Chapter Fifty Five

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Adrian Winters

The next morning I woke up to the sun beaming on my face warmly, and attempting to blind me as it did.

I then opened my eyes to see Olivia asleep beside me, one of my arms around her thin frame.

After a moment she stirs and looks up at me before smiling as warmly as the morning sun.

"Good morning Adrian" she greets

"Good morning beautiful" I say kissing her but she quickly pulls away.

"I have morning breathe" she says covering her mouth, and I smile at her.

"So do I" I say and she glares at me.

"You're to cute to be intimidating to me" I say getting out of bed and walking over to the bathroom.

"Only to you".

"Well now Thornbrook has it's king and queen that's not my words by the way I heard someone say it" I call back before stepping into the bathroom before getting undressed and getting in the shower.

When I get out I walk back to my closet and get dressed in the usual black jeans and a V-neck polo shirt, before walking downstairs.

Walking downstairs I find everyone already there, besides Olivia who went to have a shower after I got out.

"Look who got out of bed it's only ten AM" Riley mused sarcastically and I glared at him.

"What could we do today it looks a little grey?" Mia asks looking outside.

"I'm making breakfast" I say walking over to the coffee machine to wake myself up, and began to pull out bread, pepper, and three eggs.

As I was making myself eggs toast Olivia walked downstairs in black leggings and her usual cropped turtleneck.

"You're both up late, what were you two even doing that had both of you sleep three extra hours?" Ava asked.

"Couldn't fall asleep" Olivia says and I smirk.

Not wrong.

"I made you a mug of coffee when I made mine" I say sliding her mug over to her.

"Thank you" Olivia says taking the mug and walking into the living room.

"Also we could genuinely just watch movies, because I doubt we are going anywhere today" Hunter says.

"That's for fucking certain" I mutter sliding my toast with peppered eggs on top of them, and walking into the living room to join everyone else.

"I have no issue with watching something Adrian, you got anything?" Hunter asked surprising me slightly.

"Let's watch Outer Banks" I reply, I'm on the third episode I didn't get very far".

"Alright well your re-watching the those episodes" Riley says looking around, "should no one disagree with the choice of show".

"No disagreements at all" Mia states voicing the collective mood of no one giving a shit what we do.

I then log into my Netflix account, and find the show that we were looking for.

"Your Netflix matches your personality, it's all horror, mysteries, dark, and history related, with a few romantic related shows and movies" Riley points out.

"I don't do romance, well I didn't then I met this one" I say looking pointedly at Olivia.

"Riley you've known Adrian for fucking ten years, he's always been a dark person" Nico states, "Adrian is complicated and simple at the same time".

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