Chapter Thirty Five

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The next day I walked into the kitchen after having a shower and gotten dressed in comfy pants and a hoodie even when its seventy degrees inside my house.

Because why the hell not.

I then pulled down a box of Nourish cereal specifically the coconut, cranberry and almond kind because it's my favourite, and poured myself a bowl, I also decided that whatever Olivia wanted to do today that is what we would do.

A few minute later Olivia walks into the kitchen in black jeans and a black cropped turtleneck.

"Who are you and what have you done with bellissima, you're in jeans this never happens" I point out finishing my bowl.

"It's winter and I may as well wear them" Olivia says.

"Fair enough" I say walking to the dishwasher and placing my bowl in it, before turning to her.

"We are going to do whatever you want to do today".

Olivia then turns to look at me her eyes wide.


"Because I have taken you everywhere I want to go and you don't protest so I will do the same, besides I want this to be a you day" I explain with a smile as I lean on the counter.

"Okay then... am I allowed to have breakfast?".

I give her a look that says that shouldn't be a question, and just shake my head.

"You know for someone who is supposed to be cold, you sure have a way of being the complete opposite".

"Yes I do, it's called being cautious of who I let into my life and get to know me" I say as I begin to make coffee.

"It didn't take much for you to let me into your life" Olivia commented sending me a small smirk as she made oatmeal with peaches and cinnamon.

"That's because I didn't have a choice, you also intrigued me massively".

"I want to say that's a neutral statement, but its honest" she said as she opened the can of peaches.

"Something I excel at, also you should get a fork you'll cut yourself trying to pull that open" I say as she sets the can opener down on the counter.

"Is that concern I hear".

"Yes it is, Miss Thorne" I reply pouring myself a mug of black coffee with a single packet of sugar.

"You make me sound old Mr. Winters" she replies in equal verb.

I like her when she's like this.

"You should act like this in the morning more often".

"This isn't an act" she says and places the bowl of damp oats in the microwave.

"Good to know" I muse right before my phone begins to ring.

I then flip it over so I can see who's calling me and see it's from Riley.

"This better be good" I mutter and answer the Facetime call.

"Hey Adrian".

"Hi Riley you do realize that I'm on fucking vacation right" I say propping the phone up against a candle in the middle of the counter.

"Sounds like someone hasn't had coffee yet" Hunter says coming into frame.

"He has coffee" Olivia calls and walks over to where I stand.

"Little Olive!" Riley exclaims.

"Hi Riley, who all is there?" Olivia asks leaning on the counter next to me.

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