Chapter Twenty Eight

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Olivia Thorne

It's been two weeks since me and Adrian went skating, and in those two weeks he has been over after school as a change of scenery, I also didn't even have to convince him. It's one of the things I like about him he is willing to do things with me regardless of what it is, that's probably what led me to being friends with him and now two and half months later I'm in love with him.

The kiss we shared also surprised me because after that we both became a lot more open to the idea of getting close to each other, it's also rather intimate.

Right now we both sit in the front seat of one of his cars for today; a Aston Martin DB11, singing, well at the moment just him because I purposely chose a song he loves and that he always can perfectly sing.

He hits every note perfectly, and it's not really surprising considering he can do whatever he wants at any point as long as he puts his mind to it.

When we get to his house, he pulls down the driveway and all the boys are walking up the steps.

"They planned this no way they didn't" I hear Adrian mutter, as he pulls into the garage, and parks.

We then walk to the front door, and into the entryway.

"Hey Adrian, hey Olivia" Nico says walking towards the living room book in hand, though I can see his phone, and I'm pretty sure he is messaging Kate.

But why Adrian doesn't seem bothered that you are.

"Hi Nico" I say and walking over to the kitchen while Riley and Hunter find a stand up comedy to watch on TV.

I know Nico heard me because he waves while still holding his book, which I can see says Murder On The Orient Express.

"I never took you for an Agatha Christie fan" I comment.

"Mystery novels intrigue me" Nico says, flipping the page, and I can see Adrian walk into his room.

"So the fact that your messaging Kate has nothing to do with it?", Nico's head is the first to shoot up, along with Riley and Hunter's.

"How did you...never mind, no it doesn't I am just asking her how her first week back in LA was, she said humid".

I wonder why?

"Does Adrian also own a house in LA?" I ask.

"Yeah he does it's huge, not bigger then this but close" Hunter says.

"How close?" I ask.

"This house is thirty-five thousand square feet my house in LA is thirty" Adrian says as he leans on the railing his hair is shiny and looks heavy.

"You are aware that you could fit like twelve Brooklyn townhouses in this house alone".

I see him suck in his lower lip, and that's his sign of feeling guilty just as when I'm nervous I bit my lip.

"Sorry" I say somehow feeling bad for bringing up a scale of his house compared to what mine and nearly every other townhouse in Brooklyn is.

"It's not your fault besides I also get use out of my house because I need space from half of the group, that's also why Nico's room is downstairs to avoid the battle of who gets the bigger room, which you get".

I hear Hunter cough and say 'simp'.

"Who's stupid fucking idea was it to come up with the word simp?" Adrian asks seeming rather annoyed, one of the less common sides of Adrian.

"There should be a book about your moods Adrian".

"I think the fuck not" Adrian says coming downstairs.

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