Chapter Forty Six

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Walking into the men's locker room, I pull off my shirt, and quickly change into a grey breathable Adidas shirt, and black shorts, before rolling up everything, and sticking my things into my locker.

As I push open the door I see that the gym is set up with a long line coloured of dodgeballs.


Soon the rest of the class emerged.

"Alright everyone pair up, boy to girl every other pair will be on one team those in between will be on the other" Mr. Richardson calls over us.

As expected I pair with Olivia, Riley with Ava, Hunter with Mia, And Nico ending up with a rather nervous looking blonde.

To bad for her I know that he doesn't like blondes.

We were then told to pick a side, and since by chance the entire group was on one side we chose the side we played on.

"Nico, time guess" I call over to my friend and he just smirks.

"Ten minutes tops" he calls back and I watch the slight fear from the other side of the room.

Once we were lined up on the end line Mr. Richardson blew his whistle and chaos ensued.

Some kids ran in to push balls back, others attacked immediately, some stood back and waited and me and the boys stood in the middle of our side catching and throwing back balls.

As I took out my fifth person, a ball whizzed past me and the guy who threw it looked horrified.

I'd be to.

Picking up the nearest ball I whirled it around a person ahead of him, which curved and hit the guy in the arm making a loud whack on impact.

"Winters be gentle" Mr. Richardson called but he was smirking.

"No promises coach" I call back picking up two more balls and taking out two more people.

Eight and counting.

Coach then calls the opposing team back in likely because I took out half of their team alone, and our side only includes, me, Olivia, Hunter, and two other players.

"Hunter" I call to him and he looks over at me. "Outside in".

We had done this before we pick off from the outside and the middle taking the other players out one by one.

After a minute the other two players on my team are off, and Olivia is hit soon after.

It then takes four of the remaining ten players to get Hunter out, which leaves me.

A challenge I like it.

Smirking I pick up two of the balls, and have three people out because one of them ricocheted, before the other side could release one ball.

I loved dodgeball I was also really good at it, and would have to surrender for the other team to win.

Not happening today.

A ball is thrown and I catch it, leaving five people. Riley had taken someone out before being hit.

I can also hear my team cheering same as the other side to end it.

That was also just our school our pride was less golden when we chose to ignore it.

Two more people went down and someone almost got me but I took them out to, eventually it came to the final player and I waited for him to make the move, but he didn't he was ready and like me had been watching how this would go.

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