Chapter Nineteen

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I had been gone for over an hour at the gym alone, I thought I might as well use my frustration on a boxing bag, so that's what happened I also told Olivia I'd be back in two hours at the latest.

I had also dropped off a exact copy of what Olivia said to me, and the police said they would look into it.

So now a little over two hours later I now was back at my penthouse going up the elevator, I also now had my left hand wrapped in bandages because I had chosen not to use a boxing glove, and I split the skin.

When the car dinged and the doors opened I walked out into my penthouse, and put the keys back before walking up the stairs to Olivia's room and she laid there in bed still awake, so I knocked on the doorframe, making her look over at me in surprise.

"Hi bellissima" I say with a smile.

"Hey Adrian, you can come in" she says patting the place next to her.

I then push off the doorframe and walk over to where she was and sat down beside her.

"Sorry if I spooked you" I say, and she shakes her head.

"No its perfectly fine, I was awake anyway, how was the gym?".

"Good, other then I injured my hand" I say holding up my wrapped hand.

"How did you manage that with gloves on" she says with a wide eyed expression.

I look down and smirk.

"I didn't wear gloves, and split the skin on that hand" I say.

Olivia just shakes her head, and moves to get out of the bed, and pulls on a white fuzzy housecoat.

"Come on, I'll clean it" she says and grabs my hand pulling me and though I know she can't pull me I stand and follow her.

She then makes me sit, and gets all that she needs for my hand before she begins to clean it, I'm also finding it amusing that her hair keeps falling in her face.

Out of instinct I push the hair back out of her face gently and I can see her twitch.

"That tickles, you have really soft hands" she says while tightly wrapping my hand again.

"Every part of my hands except my palms yes, they probably are" I say before she stands. "Also I can see why you want to be a doctor you care a lot about everyone".

"I like helping people so why wouldn't I be someone who does just that".

"I don't see any reason not to follow your passion I am" I say, standing.

"You will probably be just as good of a CEO, you're very good at giving direction and getting your way, you're also really smart" Olivia says as she flops down on the bed.

"I'd say you have just as much of a chance to become a doctor. Also how was the two hours while I was gone?".

"It was quiet, I just stayed up here for the most part" she said.

"I can promise you that Demetri will be charged for what he did to you I can promise you that" I say and she nods.

"How did you know him?.

Fucking fuckity fuck.

"I helped put him behind bars, because I did my own investigation into him" I say which is partially right, just if I can I don't want her to find out I am an ex criminal gone good.

"That makes sense".

"I also had wanted to get rid of crime as best I can, my parents did so I wanted to as well" I say walking over to the door. "Anyway I'm going to bed, but if you need anything feel free to ask".

"I will" she says and gives me a smile that I return before walking away to my room and showering before, putting all my clothes in the laundry bin, and getting into bed.

My guilt then starts washing over me as I realize Olivia has been so open to me and I still keep one thing secret because I'm afraid of how she will see me, and I really don't want to have her see me diffrently. It's also not just that I was an ex criminal, but I was also one of the most feared people on the streets in the year I was in a gang, it's where I earned the nickname the Devil.

I then pull out my phone and message Nico, mainly because I need to know what he thinks I should do.


Hey Nico
Read 11:26

Hey Adrian, what's up?
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Olivia asked me about my past and I only told her that I helped put an investigation into Demetri Flanne, he's her ex. But I didn't tell her that I was the leader of the criminal circle he was apart of
Read 11:28

And I'm guessing you feel guilty because you didnt tell her the truth
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Yes, she's been nothing but open to me, and I can't fucking tell her that I'm also part of her past
Read 11:30

You should tell her, because well we have reports that members of your old Gang are wanting vengeance on you for putting them there, there's a big escape planned too but the police think it's just rumours to scare us
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Well I just hope it is that but I'm not naive if they come for me which they will if they get out I want all of you to go to my house in California, because I'd at least want you all to be safe for what I did
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The group doesn't work like that, but we would if we had to. Still though tell her I'll keep looking at the reports and monitoring what's going on between the inmates who were in there because of you
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Thanks Nico, I'll tell her probably tomorrow
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Okay, do it Olivia will understand I don't doubt that, especially since she trusts you so much, I'd even wager she knows you just as well as us if not better
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I hope so, anyways I'll let you sleep
Read 11:36

Thanks also theres a race Sunday night, top tier cars, also it would be a good place to get information on the supposed breakout that is being planned
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I'll definitely be there then, I might bring Olivia but I will warn her.
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Okay, good night Adrian.
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I close my phone and place it on the wireless charger by my bed before rolling over and shutting my eyes.

Maybe Olivia will accept who I am, maybe she really is the angel I've been looking for, for so long, and with that thought in my mind I fell into a dreamless sleep.
Bonjour, that will be all folks I have a plan for the next chapter also sorry that these are short I have two final projects to do and I am getting distracted by them but by the weekend long chapters will be back I promise then you all can expect 2-3 thousand word chapters. Also comment how you think Olivia will take Adrian's complete past, also vote and share. Anyways


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