Chapter Thirty Six

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The next morning I was already dressed in black jeans, and crewneck, I had also made French toast because I had learned from Olivia spending the nights at my house that it's her favourite breakfast food.

Speaking of Olivia she was still asleep much to my amusement.

I then walked upstairs to her room and knocked gently, before listening for noise. Nothing.

Opening the door carefully I found her still asleep in her bed. Walking over to where she slept in knelt down and gently shook her because the last thing I want to do is scare her.

Her eyes opened drerily and our dark grey eyes met before she shut her eyes and smiled.

"Good morning Adrian" she said sleepily and I chucked.

"Good morning bellissima" I reply and stand up.

"What time is it?" she asked.

"Nine forty-five".

She then shoots up still clutching the blanket over her chest.

"Shit, I'll get dressed, and then we can go to Paris".

"I just finished making breakfast take your time, I'm in no rush. I'll be waiting downstairs" I say with a smile before walking out of her room.

Ten minutes later Olivia had made it back downstairs showered and dressed in leggings with a knit stitch red turtleneck.

I'm starting to think red is her colour.

"Did you make French Toast?" Olivia asks peering over my shoulder at the griddle.

"Yes I did. I thought it might be a nice breakfast for us" I say putting three slices on my plate while she takes two.

"It is, I also think you chose it because it's my favourite breakfast" Olivia says glancing at me while I cut pieces of my breakfast and dip it in maple syrup.

I'm a little unorthodox.

"I did choose it for that reason, but I also wanted to make French Toast".

"I'm not surprised".

I laugh lightly and turn back to my food.

When we finished breakfast I walked to the front door and pulled on my grey overcoat and a black scarf, while Olivia just grabs her wool coat.

I then grab the key for my Audi RSQ8.

We both then walk out to the car before getting in.

As I drive off my property we pass through London until stopping to pick up coffee from Starbucks before heading away on our six hour drive to Paris.

Music played the whole way to Paris and across the English Channel.

When we finally reach Paris it is five PM, and the sky is beginning to get darker.

"Welcome to Paris bellissima" I say looking over at her as we pull up to the Shangri-La Hotel, and park.

We then got out of the car, and a valet came up to me while two other hotel workers came to help with the two bags that sat in the back of the car, since we had packed last night.

"Bienvenue au Shangri-La, nous aurons vos affaires prises à votre réservation".

"Merci ma chambre est deux trente-sept".

I then hand over the key, and the man took the key before driving the car to a high steel gated area with various other expensive cars parked.

"What do you want to do first while in Paris" I ask Olivia as she looks around at the hotel.

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