Chapter Twenty Seven

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When lunch came we all walked out to a dark cloudy sky heavy with snow, as it began to blanket everything.

Olivia held my hand as all of us walked away going towards a café that was by a lake in a near by park so we called it Lakeside Café though that wasn't actually the name of it.

"Thanks for going on a walk with me even though its twenty degrees out" I say to Olivia who is wrapped in a coat that I had left in my car for this specific occasion.

"You're welcome also how are you not cold?" Olivia asked and her genuine concern is heart warming.

"I don't get cold easily" I reply and hold her mitten covered hand in my black leather gloved one.

"Do you always have something made of leather on you?".

"Yes I usually do, why do you ask?".

"Because I just realized that as of the past month you have worn something leather each day".

"Makes sense" I say as we reach the final path which is covered in snow, with a few benches where a couple sits drinking their chosen drink. There is also fairy lights above the path weaved back and forth, along with the cafe at the end of the walkway.

I hold open the door for Olivia and we both walk inside.

We then reach the front of the line and the barista smiles lightly at us.

"What can I get you two?".

"Livi you first" I say stepping back.

"Could I please have a small caramel macchiato" she says, and the barista puts it in.

"A large mocha cappuccino please" I say, "oh, and four gingersnaps".

Olivia looks at me with a knowing smile, as they are her favourite cookies.

"Certainly that will be ten fifty".

I pull out my card and swipe the machine before putting in my pin.

When we received our drinks and cookies, I put the cookies in my jacket pocket before I take my drink, and then hold Olivia's hand as we walk out of the café and along the river side promenade.

"Its only eleven forty-five and it's starting to get darker sooner every day".

"That it is".

"Has Nico found anything on where Demetri and the rest of your former gang are?".

I will admit I'm surprised she is so interested in it, but at the same time I also slightly expected it, so I will put her mind at ease.

"Nico has been tracking where signs of the escaped convicts have been found around New York since they were at Pennsylvania State, they have been spotted in Philadelphia, but police are suspecting they are coming to NYC again" I begin, "though everyone knows their faces and more details have been coming in each day, they will be caught soon, and if not none of them know where I live and I will make sure you are never in harms way".

"Thank you Adrian that really means a lot knowing that, and that they will hopefully be caught soon".

"Well when they are thank Nico he's the one helping the police find them".

"I don't doubt that one bit, he's very big into security".

I laugh lightly.

"That's because his parents own a tech security company, that's what they do, corporate, national, personal, and public security".

"That... makes a lot more sense" Olivia says before nodding.

"On a lighter note what are your plans for Christmas?" I ask looking over at her while sipping my coffee.

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