Chapter Seven

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Olivia Thorne

So far my day has consisted of me almost being caught talking to the four handsomest boys in my school by my mom, which would turn into a semi disaster since she saw me get out of one of their cars on the night of the party which took a bit of some explaining though I did be vague on why I left and so did Adrian though I called him my friend. Though he has a way of blurring that line very carefully, through one of his smirks, or eyes that I could swear were sculpted by God, I'm not swooning though I promise. Then he shows up in front of my house at eight and no questions asked let's me get into his car, he doesn't even skeeve about me being in his cars.

He also again made Sebastian back down, and to be honest I also can see why, half the school was at that party when Adrian warned everyone that if I was picked on or messed with he would bring the whole group down on them including himself which is scary enough as it is. Even if he chooses to be two faced, warm, kind, caring, protective on one, and then down right intimidating and scary on the other, Riley told me how Nico is pretty sure one of Adrian's glares could freeze boiling water and I don't doubt that.

But now the Devil is walking beside me down the hallways of Thornbrook Academy, I'm a week in and I've already made friends with the four most influential people here, and another good friend in Ava.

"What are you thinking of?" Adrian suddenly asks me pulling me out of the day dream I was having.

"How a Brooklyn girl like me made friends with five elite's when I'm from a completely different world" I say looking up at him, and he gives me one of his signature smirks.

"You're not now though, you're a part of our world, even if most in this school are arrogant and status anxiety ridden" he says, "the group accepted you and would've eventually through mutual friends, and Ava is close friends with you".

"But why me what makes me so special?".

He's silent for a moment thinking of what to say.

"Other then sticking out, you happened to come across us, but Riley liked you, Hunter though acting like a fucking wounded chicken when we tease him, you're liked, Ava is close to you for the fact that you two both are very down to earth, Nico likes you because you actually challenge him through everything, and your a fellow intellectual. Me well in case you hadn't noticed I protect the people around me, as a natural instinct, and so I do it because it's the right thing to do, Livi" he says using the nickname he came up with and I actually like it when he calls me it though he doesn't use it when the others are around, and it probably has something to do with him being such a secretive person, he doesn't trust easy I know that, in fact he likely knows more about me then I know about him. He's rich, protective, born in Upper East Side, owns numerous supercars, is vastly intelligent and that's where the list stops I don't know his fears, his hobbies, where he lives, if he has any siblings, what his parents are like, not even the simple things like favourite colour though I'd guess its black from how much he wears it.

He however knows where I live, some of my hobbies, what I want from my life, that I was born and raised in Brooklyn, he knows that my mom raises me and that I'm an only child. Even small things like what time I wake up, he figured that out by the third day I knew him, what types of clothing I wear, that green is my favourite colour, that my favourite instrument is the piano, and even that I've always wanted to go to Paris.

"I feel like there's more then just that for you, no one makes friends with someone by being protective of them" I say, but he just stays quiet a implication that he doesn't want to talk about something.

"I don't fully know why I want to be friends with you, like I don't know how to explain it, I just do" he says catching me off guard.

"I want to get to know you not just what you show to people but actually who you are Adrian" I say, and he looks at me with an unreadable expression, then gives me a small smile, before we step into chemistry.

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