Chapter Twenty Nine

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Adrian Winters

I will admit I just had the best sleep of my life and I can't quite put my finger on that reason, that is until I remember Olivia is next to me asleep with my shirt on though it's two sizes to big for her.

I also don't move I just lie there because she is comfy and I don't want to disturb her.

You're going soft Winters.

I probably am but really it's only around her, hell it only took two and a half months.

Eventually Olivia rolls over and opens her eyes, and I just smile at her because even when she is tired she somehow looks cute.

"Good morning bellissima" I say, and she mumbles a response.

"How did you sleep?".

"Really good, your bed is really comfy it helped".

"My bed is the hardest in the whole house" I say with a laugh.

"Still I find it comfy, what time is it?" she asks rubbing sleep from her eyes.

"Six-thirty on a Wednesday morning" I reply sliding off the bed after I remove my arm that had ended up over her as we ended up spooning at some point during the night.

I then walk into my bathroom and quickly shower, before getting dressed in a nearly identical outfit as I did yesterday, just I chose a grey cashmere wool knit stitch cardigan.

"You look comfy" Olivia says as she appears in my doorway, having left showered and dressed in the half an hour it took me.

"So do you" I say observing her usual outfit, which now included round glasses, and silver diamond earrings.

"I always look like this" she says.

"I know, so you always look comfy" I say walking downstairs to see Hunter and Riley smirking.

These two were fucking listening to the whole conversation because why not.

"The fuck are you idiots smirking about?" I fake snap but it does the trick and they turn back around and act like nothing happened.

"We made coffee, it's pretty bitter just like your soul" Hunter says, and I flip him off over my shoulder.

"What do you all want for breakfast?".

"Pizza" Riley says.

"Last time pizza was in this house I didn't eat any until the following night".

"Yeah Kate picked away at that pizza while you slept" Olivia said walking into the living room.

"Oh I'm sure she did" I say, "is everyone okay with French Toast?".

A chorus of yes's, and yup's come out of my occupied living room, before I pulled out all I would need, and began to make the mixture, while prepping my griddle.

As I cook I listen to the conversation that my friends are having, about today and their plans for Christmas Break. I already know I'm going to London but I don't know if Olivia is coming with me, so I will have to ask at some point today.

Once I finish cooking I make all five plates and set them in my dining room.

"Go wash up children" I call over my shoulder as I clean up my cooking mess.

"Children, Adrian really isn't everyone here sixteen or seventeen?" Olivia asks walking over to use the sink in the kitchen.

"They will be seventeen before the year ends but I'm the oldest in the group" I say as I walk into the black dining room even though it is right by the front of my house and I can see outside to the snowy expanse across Southampton.

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