Chapter Sixty Four

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Olivia Thorne

I have no idea where I am, the last thing I remember is finishing my phone call with my mom, before a masked man walked up to me and told me to go with him, when I had resisted it tore some of the fabric and crystals from my dress before, I tried to to get away but I was grabbed by two more of the guys and dragged towards an alley, before I was put in the back of an SUV with my wrists tied, and my mouth taped. They then got my phone and dropped it in the alley before bagging my head in a burlap sack, and driving away.

When I was finally able to see, I was in a red brick walled room with a single bed in the corner and concrete floors, there was also only a pillow which looked new and was probably the only new thing in here.

Then the door which I realized like other large glass areas had plywood covering the glass opened and one of the men walked in carrying a chair.

He then set it down in front of the bed where I sat, and I assume I had passed out from adrenaline, and panic.

At least I'm clothed.

The man then sat down and pulled out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter before offering me one of them, to which I shook my head, I hated how they smelled and I would never even touch them.

He lit it, before pulling a drag on it and blowing it in my face making me cough and wave it away from my face.

"I thought so, you always were a prude" the man says before pulling off the mask, and a mane of auburn brown hair fell out, before the guy moved his hair and I went wide eyed.

Staring back at me were the same brown almost black eyes that I hoped I would never see again.


"Yes Olivia it is me" he says with a smile that sends chills down my spine.

"How the hell have you not been captured".

"I've had help to not go back to prison, I believe you've met these two" he says and both Ryder and Sebastian walk through the door.

"Why the hell would you two help him".

"Shut the fuck up, your boyfriend has a habit of making enemies, so we just thought we'd return the favour, we've all had bruises and scars from him, so we thought it would be nice to return the favour" Sebastian says.

What are they going to do to me.

"You see we can't touch Adrian Winters but you, we can do whatever we want to you" Ryder says with a crude smirk.

They all then hit me all at once knocking me to the ground, before kick after kick, punch after punch followed.

Pain is shooting through every part of my body and I can tell that I'm going to be covered in bruises a silk dress doesn't really provide much to protect me.

Eventually I feel a kick to my head and my vision goes fuzzy, before I reach up to where the impact came before I feel something warm and wet on my hand before I notice it's blood.

I then don't feel anymore pain and I can see a set of clothes placed on the bed before whoever set it down making sure no one is coming and pulling me up onto the bed.

"Get dressed" he says before walking out of the room and closing the door before I hear it lock on the other side.

After a while I can see again, and I see what looks like ripped jeans, and a ribbed top.

Nothing for warmth I guess.

After I'm dressed, I look up at the small barred windows and I can see what looks like an abandoned pier, with a crane, so I would assume I'm in a dock warehouse, I can also see into Manhattan from the other window.

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