Chapter Twenty Three

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It's been three weeks and just as was informed a breakout still occurred the police, FBI, and CIA have all been looking for the ten escaped inmates, and Nico has also been helping and receiving lots of thanks for it.

I however now stand on the tarmac of JFK Airport watching as a white and black Gulfstream G650ER stops in front of me.

I then push off of the Rolls Royce Dawn I'm leaning against, and put my hands in my pockets with my thumbs sticking out, along with only wearing a black long sleeved V-neck dress shirt.

Yes it's almost December in NYC, and I genuinely don't give a fuck.

The door then gets lowered and my sister walks down the steps, black wavy hair steel grey eyes, and a sharp face.

She is also dressed for this weather in pants low heels, and a cashmere knee length jacket.

"Hey Kate" I say walking toward her before spreading my arms which she also does and I hug her.

I'll admit I am a protective brother and it is likely I always will be like that.

"Hi Adrian, I'm glad to be home" Kate says.

"I'm glad you are too" I say separating from her and opening the passenger door to let her in while one of two bodyguards my sister travels with and who would be staying at a hotel nearby, load the back of the car with her luggage.

Once they were done I put the top down and drove away.

"So what is new here in New York?" Kate asked.

"We got a new scholarship student, named Olivia" I say.

"Oh, is she pretty?" she asks giving me a look of curiosity.

"Very, she easily became friends with everyone from the group, and is actually a very nice girl".

"Sounds like you might think of her as more then a friend" my sister says with a sly smile.

"If you must know, I do. Also what about you how's LA?".

"Good, it's been really enjoyable, I went to a concert a few nights ago" Kate says.

"Any boyfriend's?" I ask with a smirk and she turns the colour of a tomato.

Just as long as they don't hurt her I don't care.

"I do like someone but they're not my boyfriend" Kate says.

"All I care about is your well being, so should this someone become your boyfriend I want to meet him".

"Only if that's all you'll do".

"I give you my word".

I then see Kate smile before we continued back towards my house where Olivia was, she had often spent a night at my house or the weekend for almost a month now, and it was resulting in a lot of theories of what we do when alone by the boys.

"Jesus Adrian" Kate says when I park the car and she looks around at all the cars in my garage. "Do you have enough cars?".

"Yes" I say putting up the top and getting out of my car.

"I hope so" Kate says picking up her bag and walking away as I follow, letting the garage close on it own.

As we walk up to the front door it opens and there stands Olivia with a smile on her face, while I can see the curiousity on my sister's own.

"Kate this is Olivia, Olivia meet my sister" I say closing the door once we're all inside.

"Is this the new girl you were talking about?".

"Yes, she is" I reply walking into my living room and sat down on the couch, Olivia then sat next to me with Kate taking the opposite side, the two girls began talking getting to know one another, while I sat my arm spread across the back of the couch.

I was also happy that they were getting along.

"How did you two meet?" Kate asks pointing between us.

"Adrian can describe it better then me" Olivia said looking at me.

"In early October she came to Thornbrook, and Riley and Hunter met her through a mutual friend of the group. I met her at lunch but I had seen her earlier that day, and she seemed frightened when meeting me, but anyway I just didn't want her to feel like that around me so I decided that I might as well be myself and slowly get to know her. Almost two months later here we are".

"You two seem a little closer then friends" Kate points out, our mom was very observant a trait that we both inherited.

"He's taken me for about four dates if you want to call them that, and we often spend time here together, either by me asking or him offering".

"My brother's becoming a marshmallow".

"Really Kate".

Olivia smiles, "please explain".

"Marshmallows are soft and sweet, that's what she is referring to" I say.

"It does suit you at times" Olivia teases.

"Oh jesus" I say standing up and walking into the kitchen.

"Can't handle it?" Kate asks.

"Most of the time yes I can, I just don't like the nickname marshmallow".

"You have two nicknames for me".

"I actually only have one the other is a compliment" I say as I pull out a pepper, hashbrowns, half an onion, eggs, and ham.

"What are these nicknames?" Kate asks as she walks over to where my coffee machine is.

"Livi, and bellissima" Olivia says while I cut chop and cook the various things I had taken out.

"You call her beautiful in Italian, you were never that romantic with Sav".

Olivia casts me a curious look.

"That's for a lot of reasons, we weren't similar enough people and my instincts never let me open up to her not even close to how I did with Olivia" I say as I put the hashbrowns in a pan.

"Sounds like Olivia is special".

"Very much".

"Do I actually mean that much to you?" Olivia asks sitting down on one of the stools.

"Yes, Olivia you do. I will admit however I'm not the most openly feeling person though, my sister can tell you that pretty well that I show how I care through actions" I say.

"I've experienced it already several times" Olivia says, as my sister sets down her own coffee.

"Have you, well then sounds like you already made leeway".

I give a questioning look to my sister, because my sister is equally as observant as me, but she just says what comes to mind.

"Kate" I say casually the underlying message to stop staying in my voice.

"Okay" she says and I can tell she understands.

Once I finish cooking I dish everyone up, and set out the plates.

"It's not Michelin star food, but it's as close as I will be able to make it".

We all then begin to eat, and talk amongst ourselves, laughing and joking while attempting to figure out what we are going to do for the day, but I mostly am just happy that I have the two most important people in my life here with me, and soon Olivia will fully know how much I care about her, and how much I want her to be in my life.
So that is the introduction chapter of Kate, she will show up more just so you all know I also am going to post a second chapter because this one was supposed to go up yesterday. Also comment your thoughts on this chapter, and vote and share. Anyways


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