Chapter Forty Two

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Half an hour later the stove beeped signaling that it was time to eat.

We had all been so lost in our stories that none of us had realized that food was ready.

Night had also fallen over New York, and as I washed out my glass, and dried it, along with the set out plates, and cutlery, before placing them in the dining room at my large mahogany table.

"Can I do anything to help?" Olivia asked as she leaned in the door frame.

"Picked a dish and carry it into here" I say walking back into the kitchen.

I then slice the turkey, before making gravy and removing the stuffing for us, so that our dinner is all ready.

We all then set up the table and get seated, I also make another of my drink, mainly because a second couldn't hurt.

When Olivia, Faith and I are all seated we set our plates, and I wait for everyone else to finish.

"Thank you for inviting me for dinner here with you both" Faith says.

"It was Olivia's idea, I believe she is owed more thanks then me for that one" I reply taking a sip of my drink.

"Well either way Merry Christmas to both of you" Faith says and me and Olivia repeat the Christmas greeting before we all begin to eat.

"What are you looking forward to for the New Year?" Faith asks us.

"Spending time with the people close to me, and going to LA in summer to visit my sister" I say cutting a piece of my turkey.

"Watching people's reactions on the first day back at school" Olivia says with a sly smile and I smirk knowing what she's getting at.

"Why do you say that Olivia?" Faith asks.

"Me and Olivia are dating, I asked her to become my girlfriend on our day trip to Paris" I say.

Faith goes wide eyed and looks between us, and I can practically feel the excitement.

"Oh my God, that's great" she says looking at Olivia.

"Certainly made my day" Olivia says looking pointedly at me.

"I'm glad it did" I say.

The dinner then continues with Faith asking us what happened on our trip, and me and Olivia take turns filling her in on the trip.

Once we have finished our food and drinks I just rinse off my plate and put it in the dishwasher along with my glass, before walking into the living room towards my piano.

Sitting down I think of what to play before settling on It's Beginning To Look Alot Like Christmas.

As I play through the song I sing the lyrics to the song. I haven't particularly enjoyed Christmas these past few years but sitting and playing my piano while singing was helping, along with having spent it with Olivia and having a nice dinner in my penthouse.

When I finish the song, I realize how quiet it is before I hear clapping behind me and I turn to see Olivia recording me while Faith claps.

"He plays piano, and sings, sounds like you got pretty lucky" she says and I watch Olivia flush.


"I feel lucky" Olivia says and I give her a warm smile.

"As do I, bellissima" I say closing the piano, and standing.

I then notice how white it is outside my penthouse and I realize that my house will be freezing while they construct a new part of it.

"This is only going to get worse" I say watching the air thicken with snowflakes.

"Driving conditions will get worse since it rained earlier and all this snow will make driving dangerous" Faith said looking at her phone while Olivia gave me a curious look.

"Is that why you took me in Alpha November?".

I smirk not because she's right but because she remembered the name of my helicopter.

"Alpha November?" Faith asks.

"I own a helicopter, that's how we got to my penthouse I flew us here" I say.

"Is there anything you can't do?" Olivia asks.

I can't lose you my subconscious points out, and I know my thoughts are right.

Olivia has meant something to me for a long time and of course because of my morose attitude I didn't notice for a while that it was reciprocated.

"I can't knee board, bad experience" I say, "and I refuse to go snowboarding, I've seen to many accidents".

"Fair enough" Olivia says.

Faith sighs, and presses her lips together in thought.

"If I'm getting home I should leave now before this gets too bad" she says.

"You could stay here, I don't mind" I say, "besides there are a dozen bedrooms in my apartment".

"You are aware your 'apartment' is a mansion in the sky how many square feet is it anyway?" Olivia asks.

"Twelve thousand" I say, "and yes I know my penthouse is massive".

"I'll only stay if both of you don't mind" Faith says.

"That's up to Olivia" I say glancing over at my girlfriend.

"It's not my penthouse" she says.

"You said yourself you pretty much live with me, so technically it is" I say turning from the massive fourteen foot pane of glass.

"I have no issue with her being here".

"That's settled then pick whatever bedroom you want" I say pulling out my phone because Faith will likely want to have clean clothes for tomorrow".

"I don't have clothes for tomorrow morning".

"Adrian where's your Brabus?" Olivia asked.

"My house eighty miles away" I say walking towards my key drawer in the kitchen. "But in the morning I can get one of my people to go get Faith clothing".

"The advantage of being a billionaire" Olivia muttered.

"Its not all sunshine and rainbows I can promise you that" I reply.

"You still have a year and a half of freedom".

"Yes but that can swiftly disappear" I point out.

"That's a good point" she says.

"Yes it is, also we should put in that cake or we will never get to eat it" I add, and walk into the kitchen,

I then take the mold out of the cake letting the two batters meet, before I slip the cake into the oven.

"You two made cake?" Faith asks.

"No your daughter did, I'm just the one putting it in the oven" I say before closing the oven and walking out of the kitchen. "Now I'm going to go and have a shower" I say walking upstairs towards my room.

Closing the door behind me I toss my phone onto my bed, and remove all my clothes putting them into the laundry hamper, before going into the bathroom.

I then turn on the hot water, and get into the shower, letting the water roll over my body in streams.

I don't like going to sleep on days that I've travelled without showering just in the event my jet or somewhere I went wasn't clean.

When I got out, I dried off, before putting on a pair of boxers and getting into bed.

It's only seven thirty in NYC but I had been in London the past week and my body hadn't adjusted to the additional five hours of daylight I got.

Soon I felt my body relaxing and I started to feel my eyelids close of their own volition, before I feel into a deep sleep.
Okay it's short and not very long considering I usually write chapters twice as long as this but it's fine. Also I noticed it's been about eight chapters without the boys so small Hunter and Riley moment coming up next chapter. But comment, vote, and share. Anyways


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