Peculiar Eyes

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Another day floats by 

Where I sit and I talk

I do the same things 

Despite the reoccurring mental block 

Everything still remains grey

My lips turn into a frown 

Until a thought crosses my mind 

About a pair of peculiar eyes the colour of brown 

Why do they look like that?

As soft as chocolate ice cream 

The longer I stare 

The more they melt with gleam 

A little longer

And I see their smile

A little more

I know it'll be worth while 

Their face flushes with colour 

I admire the way they look

Before they swing their head away

And I turn my eyes back to my book

The memory repeats itself in my mind

Catching a glimpse of those brown eyes

The only colour I see in this grey reality

They oddly give me warmth like a sunrise 

They cause my tummy to tickle

They bring shivers down my spine

I have this rare feeling

To make those peculiar eyes mine 

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