My Dad

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He was being used,

For his power and wealth,

Without knowing,

He had everything be excused,

And in the end he was left confused 

He wondered why he was being mocked,

By his brothers, sisters, and their married kids,

As the youngest, he looked up to his siblings, 

But even when he tried to talk,

He was made a laughing stock 

That night things fell apart,

When his eldest brother's sinister side was revealed,

His heart-wrenching words stabbing his young innocent brother, 

Leaving a bleeding heart, 

He realized he was only playing an imaginary part 

Tears came pouring out,

A simple minded person,

Who only wanted to give and keep his large family knit together,

He began to realize the people he had hurt and doubt

Was his own wife and children who he shutout 

My Dad

Note: He wouldn't have done the things he did if it weren't for his evil siblings. He, who cared for them and their children, spent most of his life believing they truly loved him. He would spend thousands on them because he loved them. He didn't expect a single thing back but love. 

But the love they had for their youngest sibling was so twisted and fucked up, that they thought it was fine to break up their younger siblings family for their own selfish gains; as that's what they thought younger siblings were for. Even when they knew they were hurting him for years, they derived joy from it. An alcoholic husband, who yelled and hit his wife, who woke up his kids who had school the next day, who was manipulated to think only his eldest sister was on his side. 

She, who hissed sweet lies, slowly drove him mad. "Why aren't your kids working, they're being lazy." "Your wife should be working more, she can't just use your money." "My daughter is getting married soon, as the youngest uncle, you can show off how much you love your family by paying for her wedding." 

Eventually, his health got so bad from all the stress, work, and mental manipulation, he was put into the hospital. No one but his children and his wife's side of the family came to see him. 

Fortunately, he got better, and realized so many things. Slowly, he realized who really cared for him. Although it might have been too late for my sister and I, my youngest sister is free from the things that happened...

When I prayed to God to help me, I realized he helped me through saving my youngest sister. 

Moral of the story: Keep those who care about you and your future close and do not cave into the the fallacy that because someone is family, that you need to help them.  

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