She Changed with the World

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I remember
When you use to create art
On pages with strings of word
So divine that it would melt my heart

Your touch would feel like a river
Waves of emotions
With fish that tickled the rocks below
I happily held my breath just to feel you

When you returned to earth a second time
I looked forward to your playful smile
Only to be hit
With impenetrable barriers

They stood like skyscrapers
Casting a looming shadow
Darkening everything below
Creating a dark beauty I've never seen before

Enchanted as I have been many lives before
I await the day your barriers will crumble down
And you allow me to rid of your pain
The aches and the migraines

If only it had been me
That was dealt all of the wrong cards
That hated the world and everything in it
Including myself

And not you

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