My Childhood

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Awoken again by the loud shouts and screams
My heart racing yet I'm still sleepy
Wobbly my way up to my feet
I don't know why I keep leaving

As I peak around the corner
Hidden in the dark gloom
The eye reddening light of the living room
As the shouts only grew

He yelled so loud I could see the spit fly out
Changing her vary nature
From calm to an erupting anger
My eyes wide and I flinch as she flips the table

The cups crash across the floor
The glass shatters
He stands onto his feet
They walked on thin ice dangerously

She walks away and I run to my room
Another night of nightmares that loom
I didn't want to sleep
But tomorrow I still have school

So don't ask why I'm such a rude child
And why I'm quick to erupt like a volcano
Why I yell even when you're close
Getting so mad I rip up my new clothes

So don't ask why I don't listen
Why I'm always angry
Why I'm always messy
Why I don't like guessing

So don't ask why
Because you are the reason
For my very being
I wouldn't have turned out like this
Had you have a logical brain and good reason

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