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Mentions of self harm
Eating disorder

If any of these trigger you I would suggest to click off im not forcing you to read this.

George's POV:

I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off. I opened my eyes and saw the sunlight peeking through the blinds of my window. It was very bright since it had been sunrise. I slowly sat up and searched for my phone on my night table. I found it and quickly pressed the 'stop' button. I threw my phone somewhere on my bed and sighed. It was the first day of school once again.

I slowly got up from bed and walked into the bathroom that was connected to my bedroom. I brushed my teeth and fixed my hair. I went into my bedroom and went inside my closet to pick out an outfit. I decided on a slightly oversized peach colored sweater, with some simple blue jeans. I striped from my clothes and out on the outfit I planned. I cuffed the jeans and put on some socks and some converse shoes. I had little sweater paws but I only let it go to my palm so I could at least use my fingers.

I grabbed my backpack and stuffed my phone and other things inside and went outside to wait for the bus. I was nervous for my first day of school. As soon as I saw the bus I slowly walked up to it as the doors opened. I got in and sat down in the middle row, I didn't want to disturb the loud kids in the back always yelling about something. I didn't want to eat anything today, I always saw myself as the fattest person to exist. I stopped eating as soon as summer break started last year. I do eat sometimes so I can function like a normal human.

I pulled my sleeve down a bit to look at the work I had done yesterday, it looked painful but it felt like such a relief. I quickly put my sleeve back down in fear of anyone seeing the marks I had left on my skin. I saw a paper airplane fly my way obviously directed to me. It read 'open me' so I did. I slowly opened it. The paper said 'lmao you look like an ugly gay fat person my guy LMAOOOO' I bit the inside of my cheek and ripped the paper.

I felt a tear slide down my cheek but ignored it. I was openly bisexual and yet everyone made fun of me for it calling me full on gay. I wasn't completely gay for their information. Finally the bus had arrived at school and I waited for everyone else to get off before trying to get off. I didn't want to be stuck in front of the loud kids who always made fun of me. As soon as almost everyone was out of the bus I left the bus. I walked into the schoool immediately wanting to go to my locker and get my things in there.

I unlocked my locker and started to put my stuff inside of the locker. I shut my locker after I was done. One of the football kids who bullied me last year came up to me. Great I would have to deal with them again. He shoved me against my locker and laughed at how easy it was for me to be thrown around. I wanted to cry but I didn't want to embarrass myself in front of all these foot ball boys. They would only make fun of me for it anyways. The bell had rung and I started to rush to class trying to get away. I took a seat in the back of the class.

I started immediately taking notes as soon as the teacher started teaching. I hated school but I always got good grades. I wanted to only focus on good grades for now. About an hour passes and the bell rings. I walk out of my class and I walk slowly looking at my feet. I look up and see a football boy running not looking ahead of him. Next thing I know I'm on the floor and my stuff is everywhere. I sigh and start to pick my stuff up. Surprisingly the boy starts helping me.

But why? All the football players hate me. They all think I'm just a tiny little fat rat. Why would he be helping me? I pushed the thought away. I stood up and the boy gave me my stuff. I walked off and over to my locker to exchange some things very quickly. The bell rung again and I was off to class.

Clays POV:

*rewind to the accident*

I was running off to go see my friends. I wasn't looking below me so I didn't see the boy that was too busy looking at his own feet to see where he's going. I bump into something and it falls into the floor. It's a small boy in a peach colored sweater. I see some of his things on the floor. I decided to help him and gather his things up so he could get to go do his things faster. I gave him his stuff after he had stood up. He was pretty cute. NO! What am I thinking?

I have a girlfriend I can't be thinking about that kind of stuff. I'm not gay! It's whatever I'm just going to go over to where my friends are. This first day is going to be very interesting.

"Bro why did you help that fucking disgusting rat?" Emma, my girlfriend asked.

"What? He looks fine to me. I ran into him and decided to help him pick up his things it's the least I could do Emma," I said back.

"He's bisexual that means he's a gay so you should watch out, he might try to date you or worse have sex with you!" Emma snapped back.

"Don't worry Emma it's fine he won't do that I'm pretty sure he would accept I have a girlfriend, and plus bisexual doesn't mean he's going to try and take me from you, he could be more into girls than guys don't give him hell for it." I said reassuringly.

"Yeah, maybe we shouldn't be so harsh on him at all. We really shouldn't be so mean to him for who he likes guys," Bad suggested.

"Whatever bro it's fun to tease the little man he's like a little baby he cries like one too." Derek said.

"Guys knock it off," I said.

This year is going to be interesting.

(1144 words)


I didn't really proof read this so if I made any mistakes please tell me :)

Hope you enjoyed the first chapter

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