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Welcome back to another episode of "I'm bored and I'm not gonna sleep until 4 am so why not write in my book because I honestly forgot about it"

Well here we go

Homophobia mentions
Eating disorder mentions


George's POV:

I had met a pretty cute girl named Cora, she had brown straight hair, light blue eyes, rosy cheeks and she looked really pretty. She has a hard time hiding her crush on me, I think it's cute. Maybe we can get together in some time. I don't want to date her too early and find out she isn't who I thought she was like. Maybe I could have a few weeks or a month pass by to make sure I'm not just having a one time crush thing?

I mean if I got with Cora everyone would probably stop picking at me because most of my school is homophobic. I smile at the thought of Cora, maybe I could actually give her a try. I maybe want to text Cora confessing my crush on her, I bet she would be happy to hear that I like her. I send Cora a text confessing my crush.

Coras POV:

I've had a crush on George ever since I met him, he had fluffy brown hair with brown eyes and cheeks dusted a light pink with freckles on his cheeks and over the bridge of his nose. His style was incredibly cute and amazing. I really wish I could someday call him mine, I was really lucky he was bisexual, those people are the best. Suddenly my phone dings, I got a message from George, I felt my cheeks start to burn. I was blushing.

I unlock my phone and read the text, I felt happier than I have ever been. He had just confessed he liked me. I was shaking of happiness and texted him back my feelings too. I really hope we end up dating.

•time skip to tomorrow on a school day•

Me and George had ended up dating, I felt really happy and excited about it. I've always loved the idea of dating him. I could finally call him my boyfriend. My friends found out and were really happy for me. I really hoped the whole school would know, I wanted people to stop picking on him. I wore a green oversized cardigan with a white cropped tank top underneath with some skinny jeans.

George couldn't come to school today since he had to go to the dentist this morning so he decided to skip anyways, his grades were high enough for him to not fail. His parents didn't like how much he was skipping school but they knew he still had really high grades and would still graduate since this year is the last year of high-school. I smile at the thought of spending the rest of my life with him.

But I knew I probably wouldn't end up with him for the rest of my life, maybe it's just gonna be a highschool relationship that will just end in a few months or year, but I was still really happy that we were together.

George's POV:

I arrived home from the dentist, he seemed to notice I had a eating disorder since my back teeth were kind of well, almost gone from stomach acid. He told me I should eat a lot more, honestly I was kind of glad he noticed my eating disorder since I didn't really want to keep going with it but I never felt skinny enough. My body dysphoria was kind of going away, I was starting to realize I was skin and bones.

I decided to eat after not eating for a week. I opened the fridge and decided to eat a bunch of food that would help me gain some weight. I opened Spotify on my phone and started eating a sandwich I had made. I tapped shuffle on my playlist and let the music play.

Sorry I didn't kiss you
But it's obvious I wanted to
Bubble gum down my throat and it's a curse
But my luck couldn't get any worse
'Cause I swallowed the bubble gum
Oh, and these seven years will be pretty dumb
Pink flowers grow from my skin
Pepto Bismol veins and I grin
You look so nice in your shirt
It's sad because it just hurts
I'd do anything for you
But would you do that for me, too?

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