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Hola, sorry about the late update.

Body dysphoria
Eating disorder
Mentions of eating disorder
Self harm
Low self esteem


George's POV:

I was woken up by the sound of my alarm and the sun shining directly into my eyes. I sit up slowly and reach for my phone. I press the 'stop' button before throwing my phone somewhere on my bed. I decided it would be best if I got up to get ready for the day.

I headed inside the bathroom to look at my reflection. I hated how I looked, maybe I could find a way to give myself karma for being ugly. I opened a drawer on the cabinet, searching for a familiar blade. As soon as I found it I rolled up my sleeve and started to get to work.

"This one for being ugly, this one for being fat, this one for being worthless," I whispered through every cut.

Tears started to fall down my cheeks as I started to hate myself more and more as I kept looking at myself in the mirror. I quickly washed my cuts realizing I have school soon. I rushed to get my teeth brushed and I combed my hair as quick as I could not wanting to waste any more time.

I went into my closet and picked out a pastel yellow sweater and some normal blue jeans. I didn't care if I looked basic or not, I'm ugly anyway. I decided I wouldn't eat, I couldn't eat today. I felt so fat and disgusting in my own skin.

•time skip•

I stood in front of my locker waiting to Sapnap to be here, I was texting him and turned out he was pooping. Well I didn't need to know that. I turned my phone off and turned around and put it in my pocket. One of the football guys started approaching me, great what do they want now?

Before I knew it he threw a punch into my stomach and threw me against the lockers. I tried to run off but I was kicked in the face. The guy started laughing until another one of his teammates pulled him off of me.

"Are you alright?" The football boy asked in a soothing voice.

I soon realized that was my sisters boyfriend. I didn't want to talk to him.

"I'm gonna take that as a no come on let's get you to the nurses office," he said with a sigh.

I didn't want to go with him, I felt like he was just gonna take me somewhere else and hurt me even more.

"Are you gonna come?" He asked.

I shook my head no. I didn't want to go with him in the fear of him trying to hurt me like his friends. The football guy just sighed and started walking towards me. I flinched when he got near me. I felt myself being lifted off the ground. I slowly opened my eyes to see I was being carried to the nurses office.

Great. I felt too weak to try and fight the fact I was being taken somewhere, i could possibly be taken to go get beaten up even more but I just accepted my defeat. I started to cry silently, I didn't care if anyone saw me anymore. It felt like the football guy was carrying me a little too easily. Maybe he's just really strong and I'm just too fat to notice..

I could tell that the guy noticed when he started to rub circles into my back. I started to feel really sleepy, it felt so soothing and comforting. I can't fall asleep right now, that would be bad. I felt my head start to fall as it got harder and harder to stay awake.

Clays POV:

I was carrying this small boy to the nurses office, it felt like carrying a feather. I started to hear sniffles and I realized he might be crying. I slowly started to rub circles into his back to try and calm him down. I felt his head fall into my shoulder and his breathing slow. Oh my goodness, did he just fall asleep?

He seemed to wake up 2 seconds later, that's good. We finally arrived to the nurses office after that long walk, why do the halls have to be so long? I tell the nurse what just happened, she looks so sad. I would be too if I learned that a boy so fragile had just gotten beat up.

She took him and started to help him, I watched as she carefully made sure he had no serious injuries. The nurse gave George some pain relievers and some water and told him he could get to go to class. He walked out of the nurses office and I followed him making sure he got to class safely.

I saw one of my friends follow us with a smirk on his face.

"Can you leave him alone for once, he's been put through enough," I said with a hint of anger in my voice.

"Pfft no promises," Derek spoke.

I watched as he walked off and to his class and I kept following George. I watched him turn into his class and the bell ring. I went next door where my class was and sat down. I saw my Jessica in the same class and I waved. She smirked and waved back.

This was going to be a long class.

George's POV:

I had the same class as Sapnap which was a really good thing, we didn't get to talk before class too much since he was too busy pooping, that's weird. Sometimes I don't need to know everything. I watched the clock as the seconds went by. I was so impatient and already wanted class to be over.

I started to get lost in my thoughts. Why did that football boy help me? He's so loud and popular you would never expect someone like him to be helping someone like me. I hated the fact he was so nice. He's probably going to turn his back on me like all his friends, they were nice at first but turned into mean people.


(1050 words)

So sorry for late upload I was busy.



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