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Hola peeps :) please do not do the things that George is doing in this story, things do get better it just takes time. I want you to at least smile once today, and if you are crying take a second to calm down and focus on yourself and your mental health.

I lied about updating ugh I couldn't help myself

Self harm
Suicidal thoughts
Body image issues


George's POV:

I sat on my bed, tears streaming down my face. Why can't my life be over already? Do I really have to sit through all these painful chapters of life hoping it will get better when it only gets worse? Why can't I just have my 80th birthday already and just die. I would like that very much. I looked down at my ripped light yellow sweater.

I'm done with people pushing me around like they know how it's like to live my life. I'm just done already I can't be perfect and no one in this world will accept it. IM NOT PERFECT! I hate this life, world, life, EVERYTHING. All my old friends left me, everyone turned on me. If I left this world everything would be easier. I hate this life.

I walked into my bathroom and saw my blade laying on the counter practically screaming at me to push it into my skin and feel the familiar pain. I stared at the blade, wondering how deep I could push it into my skin to make myself feel better. I looked down at my ripped up sweater from the football boys.

I grabbed the blade and started to push the blade into my skin feeling the relieving pain. I sighed in relief, I loved the feeling of pain against my skin. I watched the blood pile up against my skin. With each cut they got deeper and deeper. I decided I had enough as soon as there was no where else to cut.

I turned the faucet on and waited for it to start getting hotter and hotter, I liked the pain and sting of having the hot water go into my deep cuts. I put my arm under the water and watch as he blood goes down the drain. I felt the sting and pain of the hot water burning the cuts, but it made me happy. I knew I should have been using cold water instead of hot, I didn't care.

I wrapped my arms in bandages and decided it would be best if I went to change my shirt. I decided I could probably take a shower. I went in my closet and got myself some new clothes and went back into my bathroom. I shut and locked the door and looked in the mirror with disgust. I can't believe I live looking like this.

I striped from my clothes and stepped into the shower. I washed my hair and body and got out. I dried myself off with my towel, covered in paint stains. I grabbed my clothes off the counter and started putting them on, I did my normal night routine of getting ready for bed. Once I looked somewhat decent I went into my bedroom.

I pulled my sketchbook out my drawer, along with my pencil. I started sketching out something. I had no idea what it was going to go to but I kept letting my hand take my pencil anywhere it wanted to go. I started to fall asleep sitting there and decided I would start going to bed. I get up from my desk and walk over to my bed and laid down. I threw my covers over myself and tossed and turned a bunch until I felt myself fall asleep, I started to get anxious like someone was watching me. It's probably just my anxiety.

Clays POV:

George had been on my mind all night for some odd reason. I couldn't really figure out how to get him off my mind. I should really become friends with him I guess. I could text my girlfriend about her brother later, maybe I could find out a bit about her brother. He seems pretty nice, if I could become friends with him maybe my own friends would stop trying to hurt him all the time. He looks so fragile and innocent, who could hurt someone so innocent?

I shake the thought from my head, even though I felt bad I shouldn't think about him all night. I grab my phone and decide to go through Instagram. A georgenotfound post pops up on my screen, it's a suggested post but I immediately follow the account realizing it's George from school. He looked cute in the picture. It's not gay to think a guy is cute, right? Yeah no it isn't, I hope.

I look up at the time on my phone, realizing it's 11P.M. Time goes by faster than I anticipated. I didn't really want to go sleep, it wasn't too late in my opinion. I decided to look at George's old posts, I scroll through his photos and see photos of him at random places or some photos of his cat. His cat was really cute.

I looked at George features through one of his photos, freckles spread across his nose and cheeks, his cheeks dusted a light pink, brown eyes, fluffy long brown hair. He looked really pretty, but that's just an opinion it means nothing. I scroll through my Instagram feed a bit more and see a post from Jessica with her brother, he looks uncomfortable to be there with Jessica but Jessica seems to really want to show off her brother for some reason.

I decide to brush it off considering its probably nothing. I decide I should probably go to sleep by now. I plug my phone in and set it on my night table. I yawn as I slip under my covers. I toss and turn a bit until falling into a nice sleep.


(1000 words exact woo)


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