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Hola so this one is going to be after school when Clay is going to his new girlfriends house woo they moving too fast but whatever



Clays POV:

It had been 30 minutes after school and we were walking inside Jessica's house. I walked through the door and kicked my shoes off, I hadn't known she had a brother before. I looked over and saw the same boy from school on the couch watching tv with him swiping his hair out of his face. He look glanced over and saw me and smiled, I returned the favor and smiled back.

I couldn't imagine that they were siblings, Jessica had blonde hair and the boy had brown hair. He looked so much skinner and even prettier than Jessica, he also looked more delicate, softer, and shorter than her. How could they even be siblings? Eh Jessica probably dyed her hair and just probably doesn't look anything like the boy. I mean they are different people so they aren't going to look the exact same but it's shocking they don't look anything like each other.

I look around and see baby photos of the siblings on the wall. I could easily tell which baby was which. I could easily tell that the boy had seemed a little cuter as a baby, but eh we can call Jessica the cuter baby since she is my girlfriend after all. I followed Jessica up to her room, maybe we could hang out and talk a bit. I knew almost everything about her since we hung out a lot over summer break.

But she had never told me she had a brother, so it was a shock to find that out. She had told me her parents were constantly working so they would barely be home. Jessica slowly climbed into my lap, smirking. We had just gotten together today but goddamn she looked kind of hot. She slowly started to lean in and kissed me, I returned the favor. It almost turned into us making out until her Brother came into the room.

"Hey Jess have you seen- oh woah sorry I'm just gonna go now carry on," the boy spoke nervously.

The boy quickly shut the door.

"George come back," Jessica said.

The door slowly opened again. Well now I know his name I guess.

"What did you need," Jessica asked.

"I was gonna ask if you had seen my phone, because I couldn't find it all day," George said.

"You left it in here yesterday when you were telling me about your new friend," Jessica told George.

"Well where in here did I lose it," George asked.

"It's on the floor where you sat yesterday just hurry up and get it," Jessica said annoyed.

George hurried and bent down to grab his phone off the floor and left immediately. Damn nice ass. Wait wtf? Not gay not gay not gay not gay not gay not gay not gay not gay. George said a small 'thank you' before leaving.

"Sorry he's annoying," Jessica said.

"It's fine I would be worried too if I couldn't find my phone," I said.

Jessica went down to kiss me, but I stopped her.

"Jessica I don't think I'm in the mood right now can we just hangout we just got into this relationship this is a little too fast," I asked.

Jessica rolled her eyes and climbed off my lap, she was obviously upset.

"I'm sorry," I said with a hint of sadness in my voice.

"Whatever it's fine Clay," Jessica said.

I heard a faint voice call Jessica's name, and she got up.

"I'm sorry my mom needs me I'll be quick see you in a second," Jessica told me.

I realized that Jessica didn't sound British like her bother, one of them might be adopted then. I decided not to question it.

George's POV:

I plugged the charger into my phone and watched the screen light up almost immediately. I felt so tired, I haven't ate anything in 3 days. I sigh at the thought of food, I don't like it. Sapnap had given me his number today so we could maybe talk a bit, turns out we both like Minecraft.

I get frustrated with myself for interrupting my sister with her.. I'm assuming new boyfriend. Why does it have to be one of the football players? They always like to pick on me. But it's whatever she can date whoever she wants. I just don't want to ever come out of my room again when he's here.

I went on my phone to pass some time. I ended up doing things on my phone until it was 9 P.M. that's weird I didn't even know I was on it for that long. I decided it would be best to already start heading to bed considering it was really late at night.

Clays POV:

I guess I have to stay the night since I couldn't really go home when it was too late at night for that. I didn't really bring a change of clothes but I figured it was fine, my clothes were pretty comfortable anyway. I climbed into my girlfriends bed, I wasn't too comfortable with her yet but I wouldn't be touching her too much until farther in the relationship.

I slowly fell into a peaceful sleep.


(896 words)

Sorry it's so short I can't write too much today sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry


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