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Hola humans

Low self esteem


Clays POV:

I walked through the halls trying to find Jessica. It had been a week since that one night. I think I finally want to try and get to know George. I finally see Jessica hanging out with her friend Siena.

(Old book reference wink wink.)

"Hey," I said to Jessica.

"Oh hey babe do you need something?" Jessica asked.

"Oh yeah, I just wanted to maybe meet your brother, he seems kind of cool," I said.

"Uh yeah sure he's over there with his friend Sapnap," Jessica said pointing near the lockers.

"Ah, okay thanks," I said.

"But before you go just be careful he doesn't like new people," Jessica mentioned.

I nodded my head and slowly started walking towards where the boys were. I saw George glance my way, he looked terrified. I shot him a warm smile. I got to the boys and George flinched. Poor boy.

"I'm not here to hurt you, I promise that's the last thing I would do," I said.

George just nodded his head a little.

"You don't have to trust me but I just maybe want to be friends," I said trying to not sound desperate.

George looked desperately at Sapnap wanting to obviously get out the situation.

"Can I at least have your number so we could talk after school? We can talk over text it could be easier," I asked calmly.

He slowly nodded his head. He got a sticky note out his pocket and a pencil from his locker. He slowly wrote something on the sticky note and handed it to me. Well this was easy. He quickly walked off with Sapnap to his class since the bell had just rung.

George's POV:

That boy just asked for my number, I'm probably just gonna block him once he texts me. I don't want to deal with another fake friendship. Sapnap is the only real one so far. No one would want to be my friend anyway. I'm annoying and I have no idea why he would ask me this. Probably just going to use me. Not risking this time.

I shook the thought from my head and started listening to the teacher. I pulled my notebook out and started taking notes in it. It would be very helpful since we had a test soon, I can't store all this information in my brain. I wrote down almost everything down that the teacher said since I didn't really have a good memory. (Just like the writer bruh)

As soon as I had finished writing down everything, the bell rung. I shut my notebook and put it away. I got my stuff and walked out the class, being the last to leave the classroom. I sighed knowing this school day would be long. I walked to my locker and put my things away. I didn't really want to go to lunch. I decided to take a walk to a park, I had an hour all to myself.

I walked to the park and sat down on a swing. My phone vibrated in my pocket. I pulled my phone out my pocket and saw I had a text message from an unknown number. I unlocked my phone and read the text message. It was obviously the football kid. He had texted me a simple 'hey'. I just responded with a 'hi' I don't want to talk to him right now. I don't fully trust this kid.

My phone vibrated again. I read the new text message. 'My name is Clay' well now I know his name. I responded with a 'cool' I don't want to talk to him at all.

Clays POV:

George didn't seem all interested into talking to me, especially over text. I figured he didn't really trust me too much, I wouldn't either if someone tried to be friends with me if their friends bullied me. I decided to leave him on read. I'll give him some time to get comfortable with me, I could text him everyday and maybe become friends with him and maybe get my friends to stop messing with him.

I looked up from my phone after a while of scrolling through different social media platforms. I saw one of my friends looking at me, it made me uncomfortable but I just brushed it off.

George's POV:

I sat on the swing slowly kicking my legs back and forth. My alarm went off on my phone telling me I need to go back to the school building to finish the school day, I hated school ever since the start of it. I slowed myself down and hopped off the swing. I speed walked back into school and the bell rung as soon as I stepped foot in the building. I decided to go to my classes considering it would be over with faster if I just went.

I sat down in my seat and started listening to the teacher once again.


(850 words)

Sorry for so many POV changes I didn't really plan this out too well. I couldn't write much today I'm sorry! :(

Have a good day/night

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