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Mm hola bbs I love you all don't forget that


Blood mentions
Self harm mentions
Eating disorder mentions
Eating disorder


Clays POV:

June 17th 12:14 A.M.

The night was cold, I couldn't sleep. I pulled my blanket over my body, I couldn't get my brain to stop thinking so much, it started to get tiring. I felt my eyes get heavy and soon I was asleep.

I walked through the flower field, holding someone's hand. I looked over and saw George. He looked very...pretty.. he smiled at me and let go of my hand, he started to disappear into the fog. I tried to reach for him, but he was gone. I started to feel tears roll down my face, I looked down into my hands. I suddenly started falling. I landed onto a concrete path. I looked down at my bleeding hands. I didn't know why I was crying but it made me feel a way I've never felt, he was gone. I look up and see blood pouring out of George's mouth, slits all over his wrists his wrists bled while George's stomach looked see-through and there wasn't anything but a spelling of "ED" what did that mean? "Useless" and "worthless" written on his face, were these perhaps his thoughts? I couldn't believe my eyes. I started to sink into the ground, once again I was falling. I landed harder than before. "WAKE UP!"

I woke up in a cold sweat, I felt tears rolling down my cheeks. I checked and my hands weren't bleeding anymore, it was only a nightmare. I wiped my eyes, George didn't mean anything to me. I decided to listen to music to get my mind off of things. I grabbed my phone off my nightstand and put in the passcode. I pulled up Spotify and played my playlist. "Save your tears" started playing.

I laid back down in my bed and set a sleep timer to where the music would stop playing in an hour. ( I do this all the time when i can't sleep you guys should try it) I turned my phone off and turned my volume up and let the music ring through my ears.

I saw you dancing in a crowded room
You look so happy when I'm not with you
But then you saw me, caught you by surprise A single teardrop falling from your eye

I don't know why I run away
I make you cry when I run away
You could've asked me why I broke your heart
You could've told me that you fell apart
But you walked past me like I wasn't there
And just pretended like you didn't care

I don't know why I run away
I make you cry when I run away

I listened to the lyrics, I felt like I shouldn't be doing the things I do but it's too late, might as well keep going.

Save your tears for another day
Save your tears for another day

I felt myself drift off into a comfortable slumber. The night faded into morning almost too fast for my liking.

George's POV:

I woke up at about 11 A.M. I didn't really like the morning too much. My covers kept my warm but I decided to throw them off anyways, I needed to get ready for the day. I went into my bathroom and brushed my teeth and combed my hair. I walked back into my room and decided to play some music, and paint a bit cause why not. I opened my phone with Face ID and went onto Spotify.

I shuffled my playlist and 'tongue tied' started playing. 

Take me to your best friend's house
Roll around this roundabout
Oh yeah
Take me to your best friend's house
I loved you then and I love you now
Oh yeah
Don't take me tongue tied
Don't wave no goodbye

I wish I had someone to love, not someone to play with my heart. Not that I had anyone to play with my heart, right? My mind went to Clay, I didn't like the thought of Clay. Maybe he was going to try and play with my feelings.

Take me to your best friend's house
Normally we're making out
Oh yeah
Take me to your best friend's house
I loved you then and I love you now
Don't take me tongue tied
Don't wave no goodbye
One, two, three, four
Don't leave me tongue tied
Let's stay up all night
I'll get real high
Slumber party, pillow fight
My eyes and your eyes
Like Peter Pan up in the sky

(Bro wtf tongue tied just started playing after I wrote this

(Bro wtf tongue tied just started playing after I wrote this

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(Okay back to the story)

I painted little mushrooms on the canvas carefully, I painted little smiley faces on the mushroom stems.

My best friend's house tonight
Let's bump the beats till beddy-bye
Don't take me tongue tied
Don't wave no goodbye

I decided to paint little happy trees going behind the happy mushrooms. They looked happier than I could ever be. My stomach angrily growled at me for food, not now stomach. 'You had food last week that's enough for now' the voices in my head were always trying to bring me down. You may call me insane but I don't think I am.

After I had finished my painting I hung it up on my wall, it was a scene of a forest of talking trees with smiling mushrooms chilling in the grass. The forest was dark and gloomy, exactly how I wanted it. I closed my black curtains and let the dark take over my room. It felt peaceful for once. I sighed, this felt right. Maybe I could find myself someday. I smiled at the thought, I wasn't going to stay this way forever things are gonna need to change.

Maybe the change can start now perhaps.


(1000 words)


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