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Hola peepers creepers

Sorry I didn't upload in time I had to have this saved in my drafts because I didn't have wifi

Anyways let's get into it

Panic attack


3rd person POV:

Today was the day Clay was going to try and make George fall in love already, he had a bunch of time to do so. Clay sighed before stepping in the shower to figure out how to start this. He could start by complimenting and flirting. Clay decided on starting small and smart, the boy had anxiety so why not start slow. But why would he care if he's going to go ahead and be a heart breaker.

Clay stepped out the shower and dried himself off, he put on his clothes and ran out the door. He got into his car and drove off to the school, he smirked preparing to pretend to be gay for the one and only fragile George. He didn't really want to do this but it seemed fun, it could take his mind off of the things that were too much for him. He could take his mind off of real love, it was a waste of time anyway.

Love is like a game, it's a game you play over and over until you're finally done with it unless if the game is too good to get rid of. Clay walked through the school doors and immediately started looking for George.

Clays POV:

I couldn't find George anywhere, I looked around the whole school. I hope he wasn't sick today, I really need some fun in my life. I went up to his friend, Sapnap and decided to ask him.

"Hey um Sapnap?" I asked.

"What do you need?" Sapnap asked.

"Wheres George?" I asked.

"He's sick, he got a cold from his sister," Sapnap said.

"Thanks," I said.

That just ruined my plans I guess, but texting exists.

George 🤡

Yesterday 7:54P.M.

                                           Hey handsome 😉
Read 9:03 A.M.

what do you want?


You, I thought. I should probably respond before he gets suspicious of anything.

George 🤡

Yesterday 7:54P.M.

                                           Hey handsome 😉

what do you want?

                                   To get to know you 🥴

But we know a lot
about eachother what
more is there to know?

                                              Well what's your
                                               favorite food?

Uhm sushi I guess.

                             Great choice pretty boy ;)

Why are you doing this?

                                                  Doing what?

Complimenting me a
bunch you never do this 😐

                                        Am I not allowed to
                                     compliment you ;)?
Read 9:28 A.M.

Wowww he just left me on read. I probably shouldn't care too much, I should probably get ready for class instead of obsessing over trying to break his heart. I grabbed my stuff out my locker and the bell rung, I ran to class and sat down in my seat. Instead of taking notes I decided to draw random things, I ended up drawing butterflies chained up. It wasn't easy to draw and not a beautiful sight to see but it's whatever.

I didn't know if I should have kept going on playing with George's heart but I might as well, I just started and I should have some fun. I decided to text George a bit more, tomorrow would be Saturday and that means I have a bunch of time to try and get Georgie's little heart all broken. It was the perfect plan but it could go wrong in so many ways. I could find a girl to maybe try to get with while going with the whole heart breaker thing.

It sounded exhausting but why did I care? I could be the badass heart breaker. I shot George a text, flirting. He only left me on read, reasonable. 'Playing hard to get?' I texted him. He left me on read again. Oh boy if he knows what I'm doing then I'm screwed. I hope he doesn't know since he seems a little smart, but the chances of him knowing are very little. I look up from my phone and skim the room for any attractive looking girls, I see a person with long blonde curly hair.

I seen them turn around, that's a man. Oh god.

George's POV:

Clay sent me many texts, I only read them I didn't want to interact today. My anxiety was too high for today. Clay has been shooting me texts all day and especially very flirty texts. I started to panic, did he like me? He used to cheat on my sister a bunch without her knowing. I started to panic and my breath started to pick up. Tears formed in my eyes, I didn't want him to like me and try to play with my heart.

He could be trying to make me fall in love just to only break my heart, no this can't be happening. It started to get harder and harder to breathe, my breathing was going crazy. I didn't want him to like me. I let tears roll down my cheeks as I started shaking. No he doesn't like me, does he?!!?!?! I try to calm myself down my focusing on my breathing, I start to calm down. Maybe it's just nothing, maybe he does this with all his friends.

I wiped my eyes with my sleeves and laid back down in my bed, I grabbed the water bottle off the side of my night stand and sipped on it. My hands had stopped shaking and my breathing was normal. I was still sweating from pure panicking. I got up from my bed and started a shower. I stripped and stepped into the shower and washed my body. The soap suds went down the drain very fast, it made me feel a little better about everything.

Maybe not everything is so bad after all.


(1,000 words)

Woooo yay a chapter woohoo wowowowowowo


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