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I fell asleep


Heart break

•time skip 1 month• (sorry for so many time skips it just makes the book go faster)

George's POV:

A lot of kids at my school started to not be so homophobic towards me, it made me feel a little better about things. Me and Clay are kind of friends now, I don't completely trust him but I can talk to him I guess. I sat down on my bed and started to pet my cat. She was my comfort whenever I was sad. The cat crawled onto my lap and purred. She always followed me around everywhere.

I picked the cat up and walked downstairs, I saw Jessica and Clay standing in the living room arguing. I went back to my room and sat back down in my bed with the cat and played with her.

Clays POV:

I had asked my classmate Anna for a pencil at school and now Jessica is mad accusing me of cheating, I hate girls. They always think the littlest things a guy does with a girl is cheating. I sighed and I was about to leave until Jessica spoke.

"We are over! I really loved you," Jessica said.

Jessica's POV:

I felt heartbroken, empty. I was dumb to think someone like him could ever love me. I let tears roll down my face in sadness. Maybe I could go to my brother for some comfort, he was like a therapist to me. I walked upstairs and into my brothers room slowly. He noticed I was crying.

"Why are you crying? You don't have to cry it's okay what happened," He asked.

"I broke up with Clay.." I said.

He pulled me into a hug and reminded me it's gonna be fine. We talked for a bit and I pet the cat every now and then, she was soft and fluffy. I decided I would leave my brothers room now, he had gone through enough of trying to help me today.

Clays POV:

I was bored of real love. Maybe I could toy with someones feelings, it would be nice. I could have my fun and then leave them once I had enough. Who's the most fragile person to break? George. And he's bisexual so that helps a lot. I decided to shoot him a text, this would be the start of toying around with someones feelings I guess. He replied about 5 minutes later, we talked for a while until deciding to stop.

This was the first step, getting him to fall in love. Then I could toy around with him playing with his feelings then absolutely break him. It was the worst idea but best idea ever. Then by the time I break him, we will be already graduating so I have a bunch of time for this! I'm genius.

I laughed at my own thoughts and decided to think about how I'm gonna do this. I could find a way to make him fall in love, find out the stuff he likes and tease him a bunch. Then I could make him think I like him too, make him confess and then laugh in his face and admit I was only toying around with him, and it would be the end of it all. I could find a new person to toy around with or find actual love, maybe actual love so I could have some love in my loveless life.

I went on my phone and scrolled through Twitter, I found a bunch of cool new people and followed them. I seen that George posted a picture of his cat, she was cute. I scrolled through Twitter again, seeing stuff about the new Minecraft update, reminds me I probably should play Minecraft. I walked over to my computer and turned it on.

I went through the update and saw a bunch of things, they were cool. I just didn't really like it. It looked a little too realistic for my liking. I close out of Minecraft and shut my pc off. Minecraft had some weird updates sometimes. I decided it would be best to head to bed. I brushed my teeth and got ready for bed. It was only 8:43 P.M. but it wouldn't hurt to go to sleep early. I hopped into bed and drifted off and into sleep.

I'm gonna have some work to do in the future. Hope karma isn't real.


(8000 words)



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