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Hi my new friends know about my wattpad account now


Anyways I had to write this on my notes app because it wasn't even working

Btw this is VERY angsty in a way so Uh yeah 😋

Self harm
Attempted suicide
Panic attack


George's POV:

"George is that you in there?"

I take a small peak from the crack of the stall to see Sapnap outside of the stall, he had obviously recognized my shoes. I unlocked the stall slowly and saw Sapnap.

"What are you doing here in the bathroom? Wait are you skipping class," Sapnap asks

"yeah, I just can't stop zoning out during class and decided to take a little break, it won't affect my grades well at least I don't think," I reply.

"Can I skip with you?" Sapnap asks

"I guess," I say.

~ time skip to at home in George's bathroom ~

I sit on the cold tile floors, my wrists and thighs beg for the pleasure of dragging a blade across my skin. I reach into the cabinet and pull out a razor. I immediately attempt to take the blade out. I manage to slide the blade out of the body of the razor and set the plastic down. I press the blade against my wrist as I drag it along my wrists feeling the needed relief against my skin.

I watch as the blood begins to pour out of my skin, 1 cut turns into 12 on my wrist. I switch to the other wrist and spell out, 'worthless' feeling amazing. I slide down the wall as I start cutting my thighs. I carve a smile into my thighs as I giggle.

I feel so pathetic yet so happy in this moment, I wish I could live through this relieving pain forever. Tears slide down my cheeks, one part of my brain screams to stop but the other half screams to keep going. Maybe I could feel this pain for eternity and end it all. I eye the sleep pills on my counter.

I sigh as I get up, not caring about the blood getting everywhere. I'm over it. Everyone would enjoy it if I were gone. I grab the pills and open the cap. I take 2 at once, pill by pill. Soon enough the whole bottle is gone and I wait for it to kick in. I sit down in the corner of my bathroom and start to feel the pills to kick in. My eyes roll into the back of my head as I smile.

This is it.

Jessica's POV:

George had some homework his teachers told me to give him, so as soon as I had got home I went to his bedroom to give it to him. I went into his bedroom to see his bathroom light on. I went inside and saw blood everywhere. He had looked passed out, with a smile on his face. An empty pill bottle next to him. I immediately started freaking out.

"George are you there?" I whisper yelled.

No answer. I immediately tried to shake him as tears fell down my cheeks.

"WAKE UP.. please.." I begged.

I reached into my pocket and decided to call 911, scared he had consumed a bottle of pills and attempted suicide. I could've never imagined he would do this. How long has he been thinking of this? Why did he do it? When I was on the call I could barely speak. I didn't want to lose My brother, he was like an anti depressant.

I held on to his lifeless body until they had took him. I sat there shaking, crying as I had wished he hadn't done this. We grew up together and lost distance as we got older but that hadn't stopped me from still loving him, he was my brother, the one person I can trust. I could only hope he would survive and make it out.

I sat on the floor, crying. I wasn't allowed in the ambulance. I really hope he's gonna be okay.

~time skip~

I hugged George's body as he laid in the hospital bed. I let my tears stain his hospital gown. I let myself cry until I couldn't anymore, my head hurt. I felt numb, my best friend can't end it like this.
I can't believe I didn't see the pain he had been going through, I was too busy trying to be a stupid popular 'hot' girl. Not realizing I was slowly losing my best friend.

3rd person POV:

The doctor entered the room and Jessica pulled away from the tight grip she had on George's body and looked at the doctor.

"So he's alive, obvious by the heart monitor but gladly you did call in early enough for him to not get completely overdosed. Also does he happen to have an eating disorder?" The doctor asks.

"Not that we know of," Jessica states.

"Well appears he hasn't eating in about a week so he isn't getting the nutrients he needs so you maybe need to ask him about this once he wakes up," the doctor says.

"I will," Jessica says barely above a whisper.


(6969 words) jk I wish

(900 words)

Will they find out about his problems? His depression? His eating disorders? Who knows

Anyways I'm sorry if I scared you in any way with this chapter LMAO





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