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I'm just gonna get into this I just wanna write

Attempted suicide mentions
Depression mentions
Eating disorder mentions
Self harm mentions


3rd person POV:

Clay didn't keep his promise. George had to stay in the hospital for a few more weeks until he could be released from the hospital. Yet Clay couldn't go see George. It wasn't that he wasn't allowed in, he was just held back from going there by something. Everyday his gut would tell him to leave George alone for the time being.

But Clay felt like he had enough of keeping himself from George yet he just couldn't go to see George. Even after George had gotten released from the hospital, his gut still told him no. There had to be someone to have his answers, obviously it would be difficult to figure it out himself.

Maybe he knows who.

Clay's POV:

9:43 pm. The moonlight shone onto the water below. I sat on a stone waiting for a certain person. They had promised to be at the spot by 9:45. 2 more minutes of waiting. The wind blew across my face, sending shivers down my spine.

"Boo," A low voice spoke.

I slightly jumped and looked behind me.

"Hey, you're finally here." I said.

"Yeah, what did you need to talk about?" Jay asked.

"Well something's been holding me back from seeing George you know? I skipped school because of it. My gut kept telling me to stay home. I wasn't able to tell George I loved him. I just don't know what's happening? I just wanna know why I feel this way." I ranted.

"Well it seems as if it's not the right time. Maybe you aren't suppose to tell him just yet. But still soon. I would maybe wait a while and then go to school. I would go back to school in a week if I were you. George won't be back to school anyway until tomorrow. You should really get to know him a bit more before you just really jump in. He's not ready yet anyways. Even though I said you should go for it just wait for now." Jay advised.

"But why keep waiting? I've been waiting for a while yet I have a crush on a boy I barely even know." I asked.

"You just answered yourself. You barely even know him," Jay said.

"Good point," I said.

"Tell yourself that," Jay said.

Jay giggled as he looked down at the water.

"Well I better get going, unless if you have anything else to talk about. I'm always here you know. Just text me if you need me," Jay said.

"I'm done I guess," I said.

"You sure? If you need to get anything off your mind I'm here to listen." Jay said.

"No im fine," I said.

"Well, I'm available whenever you need to talk. Be safe," Jay said as he started to walk across the stone path.

Jay disappeared into the darkness of the woods as I stared down at the glistening water. I picked a rock up from beside me and threw the rock into the water. I watched as the water splashed around the rock. The rock slowly sunk as it stopped jumping in the water. Maybe I should head home by now.

The leaves crunched as I walked along them. Sticks cracking and breaking as my body weight crushes them. I climb up to roof as I enter my room from my window. I slowly take my shoes off and sit down on my bed. I want to talk to Jay in a week, maybe see if he knows anything about George's progress.

George's POV:

Anti-depressants. Healthy eating habits. Supportive people. Life was suddenly getting better as the days went by. Maybe life could be better than it seems. But maybe I shouldn't take advantage of it, not like I was anyway. I sigh in satisfaction as I color in the last piece of my drawing. My wall had turned into a art wall full of my imagination. I was no longer drowning, I was pulled to surface by just some pills and supportive people.

My door slowly opened, Jessica stood in my doorway.

"Have you ate today? And don't lie please I want you to get better," Jessica asked.

"Yeah I ate," I said.

"What did you eat?" Jessica asked.

"I ate a sandwich and some chips," I said.

"George you know that isn't enough, especially with how long you've been up today," Jessica said with frustration.

"Fine I'll eat in a minute, just let me hang this up on my wall," I promised.

"You better," Jessica threatened as she walked out the room and shut the door.

Everyone had been making sure to check up on me and help me get better. I felt glad that I had tried to commit suicide since they had been able to help me get through things. I had started therapy too. My therapist was very nice and had always listened to me. Maybe this is the time everything will get better and not everything is gonna be all rainy clouds and thunder booming to ruin all my days.

I glance up at my old drawings on the wall. They had all reminded me of how I had always feel like I was in a never ending pool of sorrow. My scars were my battle scars. The time where I thought pain would ease everything. It was like a drug and it was so addictive. I thought it would ease the mental pain I had yet it just became a bad habit.

I'm glad I have a supportive family that loves and cares for me. They're here to help me through it all and I'm grateful for it. My phone buzzed and I looked over at my phone. A text message from Sapnap.

Yoo wanna play mc



Sapnap had been trying to help me lately too. He had found out that I had been struggling with a bunch of things. He's been trying to help a lot. I appreciate that.

Everything's going to be alright for once.


(1029 words)

Woohoo George is getting better

Clay is going to tell him sometime 🥴

But anyways see ya until next time



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