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Hey another chapter wowowowwowowowow

Body image issues


Clays POV:

It had been a week since I had broken up with Emma, she was probably only with me for my fame anyways. She was always a bitch to me if she didn't get what she wanted, for an example money. Oh god that makes me realize she was only a gold digger this whole time, how could I be so stupid? She never wanted to hangout unless if it involved money or her showing me off to her friends.

I guess today I would be on the hunt for another lover. I'm pretty sure I could maybe get Jessica. She seems pretty nice and loyal. An image of the boy flashes in my head for a quick second. What the hell? I'm seeing my options for girlfriends not boyfriends, I'm not gay. My brain is not being appropriate today ugh. The bell rang signaling class was over, finally. I was excited to see my friends since they had planned a party, they said that sadly the 'fat rat' was going because of one of his friends.

I don't get why they pick on him for being bi, it's not a big deal. I walked over to my friends so we could maybe talk about the party a bit more.

George's POV:

I leaned against my locker talking to my new friend, Sapnap. We had become friends over a school project and we had gotten along very well. He always called me a skinny twig but he's probably just lying to make me feel better. I probably weigh about 400 pounds at least.

(For this story he is underweight but he views himself differently 🥴)

I had never stepped on a scale, I was always scared of what it would tell me. I was scared of being exposed of being too fat. I really didn't want to do anything because of how fat I was. I always had hated myself when I started seeing myself get bigger and bigger everyday. I sighed and shook the thoughts from my head. I didn't want to think about this right now.

It makes me embarrassed how I have to think about this.

"Earth to George," Sapnap said.

"Sorry Sapnap I keep zoning out..," I said.

"Oooooo do you have a crush or something," Sapnap said with a hint of excitement in his voice.

"No Sapnap I don't all these people at school are assholes," I replied truthfully.

"Yeah you're right," Sapnap said.

I kept talking with Sapnap for a short while until he kept looking over at the football players.

"That one football player keeps looking at you, is everything alright?" Sapnap asked.

"Yeah Sapnap that's just the football player I bumped into he might just be judging me silently like they always do," I said.

"Come on dude you're fine I heard him defending you one time," Sapnap said.

"I know I just can't shake the thought of them hating me out of my head," I said.

"I know it's hard since they like to push you around and bully you but trust me at least they aren't literally beating you up everyday. Words might hurt but in the end they are gonna get karma for harassing an innocent sweet boy," Sapnap said.

"Yeah yeah I know...," I said.

Clays POV:

I kept looking over at the small boy, he was talking with his friend. He looked so innocent and sweet who would even have the guts to even try and at anything mean to him? I don't even know if I want to stay friends with my friends since I don't like how they like to bully an innocent boy. But I have to stay friends with them since we are on the same football team, meaning we have to be on good terms because football players who hate each other who are on the same team isn't a good situation.

I observed the boys outfit today, he was wearing a baby blue sweater with some black jeans. The sweater had the numbers '404' on them. He had on a little necklace with a butterfly on it. I wish I could see his facial features up close too. What am I thinking? This is normal right? Yeah it should be it's not like I could ever like a boy I don't even know. WAIT! I shouldn't even like boys at all I'm not gay and I would never be gay even in the slightest. I'm just going to need to remind myself I'm looking for a girlfriend.

I look over and see Jessica walking my way, maybe this is my chance to get a girlfriend. As soon as she came up to me she hugged me and clinged onto me.

"Hey can we talk Clay?" Jessica asked me.

"Yeah sure I need to talk to you too," I said.

"Alone," she said.

I followed her into the library.

"So um I know you just like broke up with your girlfriend and all but like I was wondering if you wanted to be my boyfriend or something because like I really like you and we have been hanging out a lot and I've felt the most attraction to you," Jessica said.

"Yeah sure," I said.

Finally I can have a girlfriend so I can maybe get my mind off the boy. Why was he even on my mind in the first place? It's not like I'm gay anything. Maybe I just really want to be friends with him or I should be and my brain is telling me it's a good idea.

"Uhm so now that we are official want to come to my house after school, I have a brother so don't mind him if you see him," she said.

"Yeah sure it would be cool to maybe meet your parents again and tell them about our relationship, they seemed to really like me I guess," I said.

Gosh am I really doing this to make myself believe I'm not gay? No I'm not! Stop thinking that I'm so stupid. I could never be gay.


(1023 words)

Wowie we have another chapter coming today soon.


Thank you


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