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Hola again

Self harm


George's POV:

I arrived home from school feeling pretty tired. I walked in and saw my dad passed out on the couch. My mom was probably at work right now so I wouldn't bother going to say I was home. I walked up and into my room and shut the door quietly. I put my backpack on the floor and took my phone out my pocket. I checked all my notifications before staring into my bathroom. I walked into the bathroom and looked in the mirror.

I saw a mess of a boy in the mirror. Fat and worthless. I saw something shining in the bathroom light. I looked down and saw a razor blade. I shut the bathroom door and locked it. I hopped up onto the counter and sat there. I grabbed the blade and rolled my sleeve up. Maybe this will take my pain away. I watched as the blade glided across my skin. It felt relieving and painful at the same time. After I had made about at least five cuts I put the blade back down.

I hopped off the counter and started to wash the cuts. I bandaged them up and made sure they were well cared for. It would be bad if they had got infected it was nice to have cuts but it wouldn't be nice for them to get infected. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, I took my phone out my pocket and saw I had gotten a message from my mom. The message read,

"Won't be home until late at night you can order some pizza if you want I can just cash app you $20."

I didn't really want to eat, I'll just eat an apple it will be enough for me to have the energy to do things. I wish it was possible to go years without eating and be perfectly fine. But unfortunately life doesn't work like that. I shut off my phone and decided it would be nice to take a quick shower. I started the water and stripped my clothes and hopped into the shower. After I had finished cleaning myself up I turned the water off and stepped out of the shower. I took a towel off a little shelf I had in the bathroom and dried myself off.

I walked out and into my bedroom and went into my closet to pick out some comfy clothes. I decided on some black sweatpants with an oversized hoodie. I went over to my bed and went onto my phone. I had almost forgot to brush my teeth. I slowly got up from bed to brush my teeth since I wanted to go to bed a little early. I finished up with getting ready for bed and jumped back into bed. I immediately went back on my phone.

I started to fall asleep and put my phone on my night table and plugged it in and fell asleep.

Clays POV:

I had just gotten back from football practice. I took my girlfriend home with me so she could maybe sleep over. I couldn't really get my mind off of the small boy I bumped into at school, why do my friends not like him? Just because he's bisexual doesn't mean he's going to try and be a literal creep. He looked to innocent and sweet to even try and hurt a fly. I shook the thought from my mind as I leaned down to place a short kiss on Emma's lips.

Her lips always tasted like hot Cheetos or some sweet cherry chapstick or worse a mix of it all. I had only tasted cherry this time, thank god. I took her up to my room and let her get ready for bed since it had gotten very late. I decided to take a quick shower since I had been sweating a bit.

•time skip•

I finished with my shower and had already gotten dressed and ready for bed. I jumped into bed as Emma crawled up and into my arms to cuddle. I wrapped my arms around her, she was a little too big for my arms but I didn't mind it. She was like a big slightly uncomfortable stuffed bear. I hugged her close. I started to hear her get lots of texts from a person named 'Pizza Hut' why would Pizza Hut be texting her? That's suspicious. I pushed it away from my head I shouldn't be overthinking this.

If I could trust her I can ask to look through her phone tomorrow. If she was hiding anything like texting another man I would for sure not give her another chance, this was her 5th chance. She always had something to hide. She's been very suspicious lately. This would be the last time I would be trusting her alone. I started to fall asleep.

•time skip•

I had woken up to giggling, I pretended I was asleep to see if I could hear anything. I heard Emma talking to someone through the phone.

"Yeah my boyfriend is asleep Derek. Nah he won't find out he's dumb anyways he gave me 5 chances haha. You're the one I want but he's so clingy he just loves me I'm so love-able anyways right baby boo," Emma cooed.

I snatched Emma's phone from her hands and hung up.

"I heard that all Emma, I'm going through your phone. This is your last chance if I find anything more it's completely done." I said.

Emma looked scared like she was about cry. I went through her phone and found she was texting multiple guys and hooking up with multiple men. I'm so done with her anyways. I threw her phone at the wall.

"We are done. What were you thinking when you started talking to all those men when we are in a relationship?!? You're a literal whore who can't be trusted I gave you so many chances and you broke my trust so many times. I'm over you, you're never going to make it in life when you're just going to be a fucking whore your whole life goddamn." I shouted at her.

"And get out Emma I don't want to see your bitch-ass face anymore." I continued.

Emma ran out crying and took her stuff with her. Why would she ever do this to me? I bet that boy wouldn't do that- WHAT AM I THINKING?!? I'm not gay I shouldn't be thinking this stuff. I sighed and decided it would be best if I headed off to sleep. I'm so over Emma.


(1108 words)


Anyways how has y'all's day been?

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