He upsets you part 2

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Ashton: "We're gonna take a fifteen minute break, boys. Do you want anything?" Liz asks and we throw our different orders at her immediately. Calum hops of the couch, offering to go with her and Luke snatches the controller out of his hand nearly before he has time to let it go. The fifteen minutes are over way before I want them to and I'm happily munching on a chocolate when Liz tells us that the short break is done. "We can't go yet, mom. Y/N's not here." I almost choke on the candy in my mouth, raising my eyebrows at Luke. Liz's eyes widen and it's obviously a surprise to her too. "I didn't see her in the store." "Then where the hell is she? She knows not to runaway." Luke scoffs loudly. "I'd runaway too if my boyfriend was a dick to me." It's my turn to scoff now as I slip on my shoes and a jacket. I flip my best friend off over my shoulder as I walk out, practically ordering them to come help me look. I find myself groaning out of frustration and checking the clock every thirty seconds a few moments later. I'm talking on the phone with Michael when I see her standing under a tree behind the gas station. Hanging up the phone, I stomp over to where she's standing and I can feel the anger bubbling in the pit of my stomach. "Finally!" I groan once I catch up to her. "We've been looking everywhere for you. The bus was supposed to leave ten minutes ago." She turns around slowly and my face falls when I see hers. Her eyes are rimmed red and there's smudged mascara on her cheek. "I can't believe you just said that." She says through gritted teeth and I can tell she's trying to will the tears away. "First you embarrass me in front of your friends and tell me you don't want me there and then you go and yell at me for wanting to be alone?" "Babe, I - What? I didn't tell you that." Y/N shakes her head, beginning to cry once again and my instant reaction is to pull her into my arms but she moves away. "When I asked you to cuddle, you told me to walk away because I was blocking the TV for Luke." My face falls. "Y/N, baby, I'm so sorry. I didn't even realize how much of a dick I was until now. I don't even know why I said that, I love cuddling with you, and you know that. I'm so sorry. Look, I'll make it up to you okay. We can cuddle for the next five hours until we reach the hotel, alright? I love you, Y/N." She sniffles, leaning in and resting her head on my chest. "Okay, Irwin. I'll accept the apology."

Calum: "Cal, c'mon, mate. We have to get ready for soundcheck." Michael says as he walks past me, waiting as I say goodbye to the fan. The two of us make our way toward the entrance with security walking beside us. I can clearly see Ashton and Luke ahead of us, still interacting with the fans. A grin appears on my lips when I realize just how incredibly we lucky we are. Our fans mean everything to us. "Did Y/N walk in already?" I stop abruptly, furrowing my eyebrows in confusion. "What? No, I don't think so. The last time I saw her, she was still near the bus. I thought she was with you, to be honest." Michael shrugs and looks around, obviously indicating that she hadn't been with him at all. We've finally caught up with Luke and Ashton when I have convinced myself that she probably went inside with Liz. "Have any of you seen Y/N? Did she go inside with Liz?" My hope falls when Luke purses his lips and frowns. "She can't have. Mom's coming later. She's meeting up with some old friends." I turn around, frantically scanning the premises. Biting my lip, I try to look past the fans to see if she's still on the bus, but I frown when I see that the bus is gone. Ashton pats my back, telling me that she most likely went inside on her own. When she's nowhere to be found however, no one seems to be able to calm me down. I practically bark orders at everyone, telling them to help me look for my girlfriend. Michael grips my shoulders, forcing me to look at him so he can tell me that Y/N is perfectly capable of taking care of herself. "Cal, I found her!" Luke hollers, walking back into the venue with Y/N trailing not too far behind. With a shout of her name, I take off running toward them and pull her into my arms as soon as I'm close enough. It isn't until I feel her being reluctant that I pull away to actually look at her. "Where have you been? I was so fucking worried - Hey, babe, what's wrong? Have you been crying?" She swallows, twiddling her thumbs. "I just needed to get away. There were so many fans and I saw you flirting with one of them and I-" I cut her off, furrowing my eyebrows in confusion. "Hold on. Flirting? I wasn't flirting with anyone. What are you talking about?" Y/N sighs softly. "You know, the beautiful girl you told you'd DM later." I can feel my own eyes widen in realization and I have to stop myself from laughing at the misunderstanding. "I wasn't flirting with her, I swear! It might have looked and sounded like it, but I wasn't. I told her that she was beautiful because, well she is, but also because she's struggling with self-harm and I wanted to cheer her up. That's also why I'm gonna DM her on Twitter." Y/N's face falls and I quickly repeat what I just said to see if I said something wrong. "I feel like shit now. I hate being so insecure. I'm sorry for not trusting you, Cal. Can you give me her user so I can follow her too?" Laughing, I pull her into my arms once again, kissing the top of her head. "This is why I love you. You're so humble and nice, and so oblivious to just how much I love you."

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