You're on your period

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Ashton: "Ash..." you groaned out loud while holding onto your aching stomach. It was that time of the month - the time you absolutely dreaded along with every other girl on the planet. Whenever you were on your period, you get terrible, terrible cramps. You were also very emotional, which was slightly better than getting mad at every little thing. Ashton had learned to deal with your monthly cycles; he often helped you out when you needed more "Period protection" as he liked to call them. He walked into the bedroom and noticed you were underneath the blanket. "Ah, damn. I should have known. Do you need anything, babe? I was just about to go to the store." He walked over to your side and sat down, lifting the blanket off your body. He laughed when he saw you curled up against your pillow with your eyes shut. "The cramps are a killer this month, yeh?" He asked and you nodded. Ashton leaned down to press a kiss against your temple while his hand slowly ran over your stomach, which surprisingly eased some of the pain. When he noticed you were no longer wincing, he smiled. "I've got magic hands, babe." Pouting at him, you held onto his hand for a while before he had to go. At the store, he picked up some chocolate, some Midol, and an extra pack of 'Period protection'. When you saw him bring those things into the bedroom, you couldn't help but smile and sit up in bed. "Thank you, Ash," you say to him before you grabbed the chocolate. Ashton nodded and leaned down to kiss the top of your head. "Anything for you, babe."

Calum: Things were just about to get a little hot between you and Calum until you needed to use the bathroom. Kissing his lips once more, you hopped off his lap and ran to the toilet. From where Calum was, he heard you shout out "No" followed by a very audible groan. He got up and went to knock on the bathroom door. "Everything alright?" He asked. "God damn it!" You exclaimed after you cleaned yourself up and flushed the toilet. You unlocked the door so Calum could enter and when he did, you turned on the sink. "What's your problem, babe?" He asked as he walked up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist. Letting out another groan, you waddled over to the towel and dried off your hands. "I'm on my period, Cal," you told him as you looked at his reflection. His eyebrows both raised and his mouth formed an 'O'. "Damn it," he said as he shook his head, resting it on your shoulder. "Just as we were about to get freaky." You turned around to face him and laughed. "Things were not about to get freaky," you replied with a roll of your eyes. Calum laughed and gripped your waist. "Well, do you need anything? That's what a good boyfriend should be asking right?" Sighing, you shook your head before kissing his cheek. "I'm fine. I have an emergency kit with me. Thanks for asking though. You're a great boyfriend, you know that?" Calum puffed out his chest and smirked. "Why yes, yes I am." You laughed again and pulled him in for a tight hug. Calum swayed you both gently before asking, "Now, can we make out again?"

Luke: Since Luke grew up with two brothers, he had no experience living with young girls and dealing with their feminine needs. Of course, there was his mother, but he didn't need to know about that. When you called Luke to cancel plans with him, he wanted to know what was wrong. "I'm busy," you told him. He laughed. "We made these plans two days ago. You can't be busy." Sighing, you placed a spoonful of ice cream into your mouth. "Luke, I need to cancel our plans, okay? This is major." You realized you shouldn't have said because now Luke was going to head over to your place. "Are you okay? You want me to head over?" You placed the spoon back into the ice cream container and smiled. That was what you loved about Luke. He was a caring guy with a possible fear of girls on their periods. You never really brought it up when you two were together because it never felt like it should be talked about, but you had to tell him or else he'd ask so many questions. "I'm fine, Luke. If you really want to know why I want to cancel our plans for today... it's because I'm on my period..." You paused and you knew Luke was making a face on his end. Laughing softly, you walked back to your couch and sat down, pulling the blanket over your body. "Now I know you're not familiar with this, but I thought you should know." Luke didn't reply. He must have put the phone down to gag a little or take a breather. Both thoughts made you laugh again. "Babe, it's fine. How about I head over? We can spend the day watching some movies." A smile appeared on your face. "That sounds perfect."

: You and Michael were hanging out in your kitchen, making some dinner when you hopped off the bar stool to wash your hands. Michael, who was near the stove, turned to you and smiled. "Uh, babe..." he said suddenly. You turned to face him when you noticed his eyes were staring below your navel. "Eyes up here, Mike." You told him, wiping off your hands. He shook his head. "No, no... uh, you're bleeding." Your eyes widened as soon as he said that, causing you to run off to your bathroom. You were so embarrassed. You should have known. Your hands covered your face before you shoveled through your cabinets looking for the things you needed. After a few minutes, you walked back out into the kitchen in a pair of cotton shorts. Michael stood there, waiting for you, with his arm rested on the counter. "Are you alright?" He asked you, narrowing his eyes at you. You slowly walked up to him and nodded. "Yeah. Sorry you had to see that..." you said softly. "Oh, God. That was so embarrassing." You dropped your face into your palms and shook your head. Michael laughed and pulled you in for a hug. "Ah, babe, it's okay. It was going to happen sooner or later. I'm your boyfriend. I should know about these things. No need to be embarrassed, love." You looked up at Michael and gave him a smile. He was right. There was no need to be embarrassed. As you wrapped your arms around his torso, you pulled him in closer. "I'm suddenly craving strawberries and chocolate," you told him. Michael shook his head before placing a kiss on your head. "Today is your lucky day," he replied. Michael pulled away and reached for the grocery bag he had brought over. Sticking his hand in the bag, he pulled out the two things you were craving: strawberries and chocolate.

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