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Sleepovers between you and Ashton consisted of two things and two things only; lots of making out and lots of spontaneity. You both slept over at one another houses more than your own whenever you had the time between Ashton's constant traveling and your busy schooling schedule. As you didn't get to see much of Ashton as it was, the time you actually got to spend together was always spent in the best way possible and that's what made sleepovers with Ash your absolute favourite thing in the world. Most of your night would be spent either making out on the couch in front of a film that neither of you were paying attention to or doing something completely ridiculous like getting dressed up in the weirdest things you can find and having a dance party. Your favourite part of sleeping over at Ashton's was always the part when you went to sleep, your body intertwined with your boyfriends and with your head on his chest. He would tell you stories about tour and all of his favourite places he had visited while he was away until you were finally asleep. Nothing made you happier than the time you got to spend with Ash when you stayed the night; all cuddled up and in your perfect boyfriend's arms.

There wasn't one night when Calum was home that you wouldn't spend with each other, either at your house or his; it didn't matter as long as you got to spend the night together. You and Cal were basically attached at the hip before he started touring which made him going away extremely hard for the both of you which is why you both liked to spend as much time with each other as possible when you could. Every night meant something new for you and your boyfriend, there were never two nights in a row that consisted of the same thing. Some nights you would order take out and just pig out on junk food whilst cuddling and watching movies or some nights you would both get dressed up and go out for dinner or to a party. Your favourite nights with Calum where always the ones that included random 1AM McDonald's trips or the ones where you would both get up at 5AM just so you could both watch the sunrise on the beach.  Although, Calum loved spending whatever time he could possibly get alone with you, there was nothing he loved more than cuddling. He would always the big spoon and you would be the little spoon, he would sing your favourite songs in your ear right up until you had fallen asleep against him with his arms wrapped tightly around your waist. 

Unfortunately for you and Luke, your parents were basically over protective psychopaths which meant sleepovers with Luke only ever really happened behind your parents back. He would always sneak into your room via your balcony at ridiculously early hours in the morning after your parents had gone to sleep or you would sneak out. Either way, you and Luke always found a way to spend the night together. You guys would stay up until ridiculous hours of the morning just talking about anything and everything or sometimes you wouldn't sleep at all, you would just share stories the whole night. With your parents being just down the hall, it never stopped Luke from stealing a few kisses and initiating a few make-out sessions. Whenever you were at Luke's however, you weren't as limited considering Liz loved you almost as much as Luke. Your favourite thing to do with Luke always involved late night cooking or going on random adventures in the middle of the night to get ice-cream or sweets. When you were lucky enough to get some sleep together, Luke always made sure to tell you a couple of his lame jokes or funny stories that he had picked up on tour before pulling you on to his chest. With his hands running through your hair and your legs intertwined, there was nothing you loved more than your secret sleepovers with Luke.

Sleepovers with Mikey were always completely jam packed with so many different crazy things that you both sometimes forgot to even sleep. You and Michael absolutely adored spending time alone and away from everyone else, especially Michael who was constantly in the spot light whenever he was away. This is why, whenever you had the chance, you two would always do as much as you possibly could together. Sleepovers with Mikey were always the highlight of your day because you knew that they would always be nothing less than fun. Most of the time you would play video games considering that you had to be two of the most competitive people in the world and you loved to beat each other. For as long as you could remember, the winner of the game would always give the other person a kiss and more times than not it lead to some pretty heated make-out sessions. On the table, on the floor, on the couch and on the kitchen bench were just a few of the places that you and Mikey had ended up on your many nights together. Between all the video-games and making out, you both liked to mix it up every once in a while by having a marvel movie marathon or sometimes even a pizza eating contest (which he would always win). Michael meant the absolute world to you just as you did to him and falling asleep cuddled into his side was always the perfect end to a perfect night. Michael undoubtedly made you the happiest girl in the world and falling asleep as he whispered sweet nothings in to your ear was easily at the top of your favourites list

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