Night Terrors

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Luke Hemmings: I wake up in a jolt, panting quickly. My heart is pounding like a drum as sweat beads my forehead. I look over to Luke and see him sleeping peacefully on his side. I sigh in relief, knowing that the dream is over. Done. I twist in my position and lay back down on my stomach. Closing my eyes, I focus on my breathing. Movement shakes the bed a bit. "(Y/N)?" I hear Luke whisper gently behind me. "Go back to sleep, babe." I whisper back, snuggling closer into my pillow. "Nightmare, again?" He asks, pulling the blanket closer to me. I nod slowly as he does so. "I'm sorry." He breathes, placing a chaste kiss on my shoulder. I turn my head to face Luke. He lays on his side and gives me a small smile. I smile back, before closing my eyes. His hand places on my lower back, gently, and starts to rub up and down slowly and soothingly. I then fall asleep, quickly and peacefully. Safe.

Michael Clifford:"Michael." I whisper, out load, while shaking his shoulder. His whimpers are sad, his hair and shirt wet due to sweat. "Michael." I say, louder and shaking harder. His eyes open and he immediately sits ups. He wipes his forehead as he breathes heavy. "You alright?" I ask in a quiet tone. He nods his head and he looks anywhere but me. He shakes. Michael sniffs and then wipes his eyes. "Hey." I coo, gently, while taking his hand in mine. Then he rests his head on my shoulder. "Oh Jesus, (Y/N)." He mumbles out of breath. I rub his hand with my thumb. "I fucking hate them." He whispers, squeezing my hand. I kiss his head and his shakes starts to subdue. "Come lay with me." I whisper to him and nods his head. I lay back down and Michael joins me, resting his head on my chest with his arm draped over my stomach. I play with his hair and hum to him for awhile before I hear small snores leave his mouth.

Calum Hood:"Mama! Daddy!" I hear a small voice yell from a room away. I open my eyes, waking up slowly. "Mama!" I hear my son yell again. I sigh before throwing the blankets off of me and getting up. I walk out of the bedroom and hear footsteps following me. I turn my head and see my sleepy Calum joining me. We both walk towards Ryder's room and I open the door. "Oh mama!" Ryder cries, walking towards me, quickly. "What's the matter, baby?" I ask, kneeling down to his height. He immediately wraps his little arms around my neck. "I had a b-bad dream." He whispers into my shoulder. "I'm sorry." I say, kissing his head. "But they're not real, Ry." Calum coos, kneeling down with me. Ryder pulls away from me and nods his head gently. His lip pouts out, which he inherited from his father, and he rubs his eyes with his hands. "Sing?" Ryder asks Calum gently. Calum smiles and nods. Ryder then smiles and runs, or wobbles, back to his bed, his daddy following him. I sit at the edge of the bed as Calum lays beside Ryder and he starts to sing.

Ashton Irwin:"Ashton, enough!" (Y/N) shouts, throwing her hands in the air. "Baby, listen to me." I implore, gently. "No, I'm done listening to you." She whispers, tears in her eyes. "Don't be like this." I say, walking towards her. But she backs away and I stop. "How could you?" She mumbles, looking at me with sad eyes. "Hear me out-" But she interrupts me with words that I never wanted to hear in my life from her. "Goodbye, Ashton." She whispers before walking out the door. Never looking or coming back. "No!" I scream, waking myself up. I pant heavy while staring up at the ceiling. It was just a dream. I turn my head to look at the other side of the bed. Empty. Unused. My heart begins ache more and my lip quivers. I pull at my hair as tears start to run down my face. My chest starts to shake due to my sobs. And I then realize that fucked up. Turns out, dreams actually can be real.

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