He takes you to meet the family

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Michael: It was strange seeing Michael so nervous. You would have thought that you would be the one to be extremely nervous, but it was the other way around. Michael couldn't stop shaking out his nerves and taking deep breaths. You had tried to calm him down and tell him it was just a dinner that you were having with his family, but he wouldn't listen to you. He was scared his mother would do something weird and scare you off, or show you baby pictures and embarrass him in front of you. He didn't want that at all. "Michael, it'll be fine." You leaned your head on his shoulder as you stood in front of his house. "I think we should just leave now before they notice I was even here, we can schedule another day for you to meet them, and we-" "Michael?" The door opened and a man stood there looking at the two of you. MIchael looked up at him and smiled. "Hey, dad." "I thought I heard voices out here, come on in!" He grinned at Michael who just walked into the house. You stood there and shook your head at him laughing. "Right, sorry, dad this is my girlfriend (Y/N)." He placed his arm around your waist and his dad laughed. "I figured that much. Let's go talk to your mother, she'll be thrilled you're home." You and Michael followed behind his dad and you turned closer to Michael, "Your dad seems nice." You kept your voice low and he turned to you with a slight smile on his face. "Just wait till you meet my mum."

Ashton: "I might just ignore you for your little brother, just to let you know before hand." You winked at your boyfriend and he just nudged you with his shoulder. "You love me too much to ignore me." He placed his hand on his chest and you raised your eyebrows at him. "Whatever helps you sleep at night." Ashton looked down at you and placed his hands on your waist and began placing kisses all over your face. "Ashton!" A small voice yelled. Ashton pulled away from you and looked over at his house and you saw a little boy running towards him. "Harry!" Ashton smiled as he gave Harry a hug and you smiled at how cute he was with his brother. "Hi, Harry, I'm (Y/N)!" You smiled at Harry and he laughed. "I know, Ashton is always talking about you. (Y/N) this, (Y/N) that. It's never-ending!" He raised his hands in the air and starting shaking them along with his head. "Is that so?" You looked over at Ashton who was now slightly blushing. "Alright, that's enough of you." He started to chase after Harry who ran back into the house and you stood there laughing at the two of them. "We should probably get inside so I can introduce you to the rest." He laughed as he started to guide you into his home.

Calum: "Calum!" His mum shouted as soon as Calum and you entered the house. She gave him a huge hug and she almost looked like she was about to cry. He had just got back from touring and hadn't been home so you understood why she was so ecstatic to see Calum. "You brought along, (Y/N)! Hi, it's so nice to finally meet you." She pulled you in for a hug and you laughed, taken back slightly at her friendliness, but quickly hugged her back. "It's nice to meet you, too." You replied back with a smile. "I've heard so much about you! Calum tells me so much about you." She looked over at Calum who was now blushing and looking at his feet, trying to hide the fact he was blushing. "Awh, you're blushing." You pointed out and poked his cheek which made him break out into a smile. "Let me go grab your sister and tell her you're home!" His mum disappeared into the house and you looked over at Calum who was smiling at his mum. "Your mum is absolutely adorable!" You giggled. Calum grabbed a hold of your hand and brought you into the house more trying to find his mum and the rest of his family. "Isn't she?"

Luke: "Why are you so nervous? They're going to love you!" He hugged you from the side as you two stood in front of the door to his house. You were terrified you were going to say something wrong and they were going to hate you and tell you to stay away from their son. You didn't want that at all. "You want to know why they're going to love you?" He asked you before he went to open the door. You stared into his oceanic eyes and took a deep breath. "Why?" "Because I love you." He leaned in and kissed your nose then reached for the door handle, opening the door and walking into the house. There were slight voices coming from one of the rooms and you took in your surroundings. "Mum! Dad! We're here!" Luke called out as he grabbed a hold of your hand, giving you a squeeze to let you know that everything was fine. "Oh, Luke!" A woman came into the room and gave her son a hug. "This must be (Y/N)." She smiled at you and took a step away from Luke. "She is even prettier in person." She grinned at you and you couldn't help but smile. "Luke go help your father with the food." She shooed Luke away and he nodded his head, leaning into you and kissing you softly on the cheek before disappearing into the house. His mother looked over you and gave you a small smile. "You know," She started to walk slowly, "You make him really happy." She looked over at you and you just smiled at her. "I do?" "You do. I like seeing my Luke happy, so I thank you, (Y/N), for making him the happiest he's ever been." She gave your shoulder a small squeeze then lead you into the family room where you met the rest of the family.

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