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Luke: He stood in the bathroom half naked, staring himself down in the mirror. You stood by the door unseen quietly observing your boyfriend pick away at his flaws. "Luke?" You asked concerned as he sighed in discontent at his reflection. "Oh, (Y/N) I didn't know you we're home. How long have you been standing there?" He asked slipping on his shirt and brushing past you. "Long enough," you say following him to your room,"why were you staring at yourself with no shirt on?" You ask trying to hide your giggle. "Nothing." He mumbles clearly upset. "Bullshit." You say firmly flopping down on your shared bed. Luke stays quiet as he shuffles to where you are, crawling in beside you. "Are you going to tell me or are you going to let it bottle up inside of you until you snap?" "You're going to laugh at me or something." "No I won't. Now spill." You pry. Luke sighs running his fingers through his blonde hair before holding out his pinky. "Promise?" "Promise." You hook pinky's and Luke lets out another shaky breath. "Idon'tunderstandwhyi'msouglyorwhyyouevenlikeme." He blurts out quickly. "Okay, now say it so i'm able to understand you." You giggle straddling his lap slightly. "I'm ugly and I don't understand how someone as perfect as you could be attracted to me." He says softly. "Are you joking? You think you're ugly? For real? Name one thing about you that's so repulsive." "My acne." He mumbles and you scoff. "Luke, I have it too." You say pointing to your multiple black heads and red spots. "But you can cover it up if you wanted too," he pouts voice cracking, "I have to live with the constant comments on my skin." A tear slips down his cheek and you realize that he really is feeling insecure and it's hurting him. "Who gives a shit?" You ask taking to fingers and tilting Luke's head so his eyes meet yours. "I, personally, love your acne. It's one of my favourite physical features about your face. Reminds me that you're actually human and not some god sent to earth to destroy young females hearts." Luke cracks a smile. "And, you wanna know what? Acne doesn't last forever. Give it a couple more years and you be zit free." You smile kissing his cheek. "How did I get so lucky to have such a perfect girlfriend?" Luke asks wrapping his arms tightly around you. "Nobodies perfect until you fall in love with them and lucky for you Hemmings, I'm head over heels." You smirk before planting a soft kiss on your boyfriends chapped lips.

Ashton: You found him huddled in the corner of his hotel room. The room was a mess. Clothes covering the floor, bed covers half on the bed, feathers floated slightly in the air from a broken pillow. It looked like a hurricane disaster zone and you knew exactly what hurricane had been through here. Hurricane Ashton.
You walked over to your boyfriend slowly and cautiously. Sliding down the wall and taking a seat beside him. "Go away (Y/N)." He snarled. "Not until you tell me what's up." You say calmly. "I messed up again in case you didn't notice. That's what's up." His voice cracked. "So you went all Godzilla on your hotel room? Babe it looks as if there's been a riot in here." You say picking up a pair of boxers and flinging them across the room. "You don't understand." He snapped. "Then help me. Help me to understand Ashton cause I'm not a mind reader." You say gently. "It's just so fucking hard. Everybody watching your every move, waiting for you to screw up. And there's just so much damn pressure. I never feel good enough. There's all these constant hate tweets directed towards me and and..." Ashton broke down in sobs as you pulled him close. "I'm such a fucking failure." He cried into your shoulder. "No Ash, you're human. Everybody makes mistakes okay. Everybody feels judged or feels the pressure. I get hate too remember? Last week I called you in tears an you told me not to believe what they say because they were wrong and just looking for attention. Take your own advice sweetheart. You're not perfect and nobody should expect you to be. You're only you and that's more than good enough for me." You smile pulling him in for a long kiss. "I love you so much (Y/N)." Ashton says as you wipe away his tears. "I love you too."

Calum: Nobody would ever expect the boy who flashes his bum to the world to be so incredibly insecure: yet here you stood in a shouting match with your long term boyfriend over a photo of you and a guy at Starbucks. "You're clearly on a date with him (Y/N). He bought your drink and you guys linked arms as you left!" Calum yells his voice raising. "Calum if you could just-" "DON'T FUCKING TELL ME TO CALM DOWN! HOW WOULD YOU FEEL IF I JUST WENT AROUND BUYING GIRLS STARBUCKS AND THEN HOLDING THEIR HAND HUH?" He shouts so loud that you flinch. "Just let me explain." You say trying to remain calm. "WHAT'S THERE TO EXPLAIN? YOU FUCKING CHEATED." Calum explodes. "Oh for Christ's sake. He's GAY." You yell at Calum. His face falls a bit. "He's what?" "He's gay." You say slowly. "Like how gay?" "Gay with a capitol penis Gay." You say rolling your eyes. "Oh..." Calum says sheepishly. "Ya, oh. You've been doing this a lot lately. Accusing me of cheating. Don't you trust me?" You ask a little hurt. "I do I do, it's just," "It's just what?" You ask angrily. "I'm afraid you'll leave me for somebody better. And every guy I see you with, I see them as better than me." He says quietly. "Oh Calum no." You sigh bringing him in for a hug. "I'm sorry, it's just you deserve so much better than me and," "No. Stop right there. Calum you most definitely deserve me and if you think I'd leave you for someone else you're insane. Baby you're all I want. You're all I need. Don't be so insecure about our relationship or about yourself. You are the best thing in my life and I'd be stupid to let you go." You smile wiping away a stray tear from his brown eyes. "I love you so much (Y/N)." Calum whispers before kissing you softly and passionately. "I love you too Cal. Always."

Michael: "Babe? Where's the last slice of pizza?" You asked looking in the fridge. "I threw it out." Michael says from the couch. "Why?" You ask. "Cause I'm getting fat." He sighs. "Michael what the hell? As if. You work out almost everyday. Don't give me this bullshit." You scoff returning to the fridge to look for something to eat. You feel two hands grab your waist and pull you from the fridge slamming it shut with his foot as Michael pushes you roughly against it. "Who are you to judge in what I am feeling. Huh? Who gave you the right? I am literally the ugliest in the band with the worst personality. Who are you to say I'm not fat." Michael says angrily. "First off, you're not fat Mikey, you're way thin and I don't see what it matters what type of body you have. Second, I love you for you. That includes your amazing personality and handsome face." You say calmly used to Michael's antics. "Don't lie to me." He whispers. "Baby who told you these things? I'm not lying." You say earnestly completely worried about your boyfriend. "Just people on twitter. You know what never mind." He sighs before letting you go and making his way to the couch once more. You cut him off before he can plop himself down and sulk. "We're not done this conversation Michael. You can't listen to those people because all they want out of you is a reaction and you can't give them that." "They say I'm a dick. Always screaming at Luke rude things. I don't mean them." He sniffles. "And then they tell me I'm the ugliest in the band and that I'm really not needed because We already have another guitarist." "You're out spoken, and Luke knows that you're just kidding. He calls you names as well it's just off camera is all. And the "fans" telling you your useless to the band is utter crap. Luke is the lead vocalist, you are the lead guitarist and you rock. You are not ugly Mike; I never want to hear you say that ever again. You're beautiful inside and out baby. Nobody can change that fact." You say cupping his cheeks and pecking his lips softly. "Since when did I become the insecure one and you have to comfort me? I thought this went the other way around." He chuckles weakly. "You see, I used to be really insecure but I had this boyfriend who told me I was beautiful everyday and slowly but surly, I started to believe him." You giggle. "Sounds like a great guy." He says wrapping his arms around your waist and cracking a smile. "He is and I love him to death." You smile pulling him in for another kiss. "I love you too (Y/N)."

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