He teaches you how to kiss

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Michael: He stared into your eyes and slowly started moving in closer to you. You stood there frozen not knowing what to do. You've never even kissed anyone before. How do you even kiss? "Michael..." You stopped him from getting any closer to you and he opened his eyes and looked at you, slightly hurt. "Oh, um, I'm sorry..." He shifted awkwardly in his seat and you shook your head at him. "It's not you... I-" "Please don't say the whole 'it's not you, it's me' bullshit." He groaned and looked up at the ceiling. You sighed and put your hand on his face to make him look at you. "I've never been kissed before... I don't even know how to." You finally admitted and he just looked at you then smiled a little bit. "Just follow my lead." He leaned into you, once again, while you sat there nervous about what was going to happen next. You fluttered your eyes closed once he got closer to you and not even a second later you felt his lips on yours, moving slowly. You listened to his words 'follow my head' and mirrored his actions. You pulled away from him and he sat there with a smirk on his face. "How was that?" He asked you and you bit your lip and grabbed his face, kissing him again.

Ashton: "(Y/N), calm down, it'll be fine." Ashton told you as you were flipping out because of your first date with a guy from school was in two hours. You still didn't know what to wear, or what perfume to put on, or even how to do your hair and makeup. Tonight was supposed to perfect, but you were freaking out way too much. "What if he think's I'm ugly? What if he stands me up?" You asked Ashton, staring at him with bug eyes. Ashton finally looked over at you and grabbed a hold of your shoulders. "You're beautiful and if he didn't think so he wouldn't have asked you on in the first place. Stop stressing about it I'm sure he'll love whatever you wear whether it be sweats and a baggy tshirt, or a dress. If he thinks the same way I think about you, then you're golden." Ashton gave you a smile and you wrapped your arms around his neck. "You are the best best friend in the history of best friends, you know that right?" You asked him and he nodded with a smile, those cute dimples indenting his cheeks. "Of course." "But, one thing..." You looked down at your feet and you heard silence from Ashton. "I don't know how to kiss..." You looked up at Ashton who was staring at you in disbelief. "You're kidding." He continued staring at you and it made you feel like a complete goof for being (your age) and never have kissed a boy. It just never came around. "Come here I'll teach you." He waved his hand over to you and obeyed him, standing in front of him and looking up into his eyes. "Erm... I guess if he leans in just, you know, let it happen?" You laughed at how little help he was with the whole thing. "You know, I just won't let him kiss me." You shrugged your shoulders and he raised his eyebrows at you. "He's going to kiss you. I know that." Ashton ran his fingers through his hair then locked eyes with yours. "Are you going to tell me how to kiss, or not, because I am going to have a meltdown if he tries to-" Ashton grabbed a hold of your face and mashed his lips onto yours. You stood there extremely confused on what to do, so basically it was Ashton kissing your un-moving lips. "Do something." He mumbled against your lips and you nodded and began to kiss him back. You weren't sure exactly what to do, so you just went with the flow. You felt his tongue on your bottom lip and you immediately pulled away. "What?" "Your tongue!" You laughed slightly after realizing how silly that sounded. "He's probably going to... I was just trying to help." You nodded your head and Ashton kissed you once again, this time adding tongue into the kiss. Needless to say you cancelled your date with the guy from school and stayed with Ashton instead.

Calum: "Yes?" Calum asked after you called for him when you were in your room. "Come here for a second!" You stood in front of your mirror and waited till Calum came up to your room. You noticed Calum in the mirror and you spun around and he stood in the door unamused. "If you're making me choose which lipstick colour looks best on you I refuse and I am going back downstairs to watch tv with your dad." He huffed and you rolled your eyes at him, pulling him into your room. "I won't do that to you," You sat down on your bed and he stood there looking at you. "Today, anyway." He was about to leave the room when you pulled him back. "I wanted to talk to you." You pouted at him and he sighed finally giving in then sitting beside you on the bed. "I swear to god if you want to talk about girly things I'm leaving." He warned you which made you laugh at him. "Don't worry, it's not." You sat there for a moment in silence when you finally turned to him. "How many girls have you kissed?" You asked bluntly and he turned to you and chuckled. "Well aren't you forward." He shrugged his shoulders. "I'm not sure. I don't really count how many girls I've kissed, why? How many guys have you kissed?" "That's the problem..." You sighed and looked at your feet. "I never have and I don't even know how to kiss." The room became silent once again and you waited for Calum to say something, but he didn't. "You don't know how to kiss?" You shook your head at him and he took a deep breath, nodding his head slowly. "Well, you just kiss. Easy as that." He told you causing you to roll your eyes at how unhelpful he was. "Can you teach me?" Calum stopped smiling then looked at you with a serious face. "You want me to teach you how to kiss?" You slowly nodded your head with a smile as he sat there with a blank expression on his face. "(Y/N), you're my best friend and I don't know if that's something-" "Oh, just do it already!" You grew impatient with him and he caved in, nodding his head. You closed your eyes and leaned closer to Calum. Your lips met and you tried your hardest not to smile. Your lips moved in sync with each other until he pulled away from you, eyeing you curiously. "Are you sure you haven't kissed anyone before? Because you're strangely good for someone who's never kissed anyone before..." He continued staring at you and you laughed. "Or," you leaned in closer to him and smirked, "I just have a good teacher."

Luke: "This is actually stupid." You complained as you looked at the sheets sprawled across Luke's bedroom floor. He wasn't paying much attention to the work that was supposed to be done and you didn't blame him. You both had to do a project on Genital Herpes and you weren't looking forward to it. Especially the pictures you were going to have to put into the project. "So, how is it transmitted?" Luke asked you and you started to look through the papers to make sure what you were thinking was the right answer. "Basically having sex with someone who has it." You told him as you continued looking through your fact sheets. You heard him make a noise then you turned to face him. "Well, what about kissing?" "It's genital herpes, Luke." You laughed and he chuckled. "Right..." "Unless you're trying to tell me that you have a secret vagina in your mouth or something." You smirked at him. Your comment caused him to burst into a fit of laughter on the floor. "Well, I don't know you wanna see if there is?" He winked at you and you continued laughing at him. "If there was a vagina in your mouth I would not want to kiss you." You shook your head at him as you tried to get back to doing more work on the project, but Luke was making that almost impossible. "Since there isn't a vagina in my mouth you can kiss me." You stopped what you were doing and slowly turned to look over at Luke who didn't have a smile, or smirk, or anything on his face. He was being completely serious about you kissing him. "Um." You coughed awkwardly and turned away from him, looking on the computer. "Come on, (Y/N), we've never been just friends. We've always had a little more and I know you want to, so don't deny it." You ignored what he said until you saw him move closer to you in your peripherals. Your heart began to speed up and you gulped, afraid he was going to kiss you. "You know you want to kiss me, (Y/N)..." His voice was low and deep when he whispered into your ear, sending chills down your spine. You turned to him and noticed how dangerously close you two were to each other. "I don't know how to kiss!" You blurted out and he smiled at you, bringing his hand up to your cheek slowly carressing it. "It's easy. I'll teach you." You saw him close his eyes and he leaned closer to you. You copied him as you closed your eyes too and moved in until his lips were on yours. You noticed how soft his lips actually were. His hand moved from your face and moved down to your waist, pulling your body closer to his. His tongue slowly slipped into your mouth and you followed his actions. You both pulled away, your breathing uneasy and just stared into each others eyes. "Wow." You smiled at him and a blush crept upon your cheeks. Luke leaned in once more and gave you a small peck on the lips then grabbing the computer and started working on the project.


By: englishloveaffaurgivesmehope.tumblr.com

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