Youre a TomBoy

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You groaned, rolling out of bed. Your vision blurred which reminded you to put your glasses on. You placed your glasses over your eyes and your vision cleared up. You glanced over to see ashton scrawled across his side of the bed. "Ashton, wake up." You pushed his shoulder slightly. "Good morning." You smiled as his eyes finally opened.
"Morning beautiful." His spoke sleepily. You rubbed your eyes and stood up. You moved over to the bathroom. You looked at yourself in the mirror. You never wore makeup, only on special occasions. Arms wrapped around your waist and Ashton rested his chin on your shoulder. "I like the fact you don't wear makeup, I get to see your natural beauty all the time." You saw him smile in the mirror, and you couldn't help but do the same.
Soon after he went to another room. You scrambled through the closet unsure of what to wear, you always wore jeans or shorts, nothing too girly. You weren't that sort of person, you'd rather dress in band shirts than blouses. You decided on a black muscle tank top and a pair of light blue ripped shorts. "Y/n come down here beautiful I made breakfast!" Ashton yelled from a far away room, you ran into the room to see the sight of him shirtless and serving breakfast.

You nuzzled your head into Michael's shoulder as the two of you cuddled on the couch. You listened to the sound of Michael's heartbeat as you both watched tv together. His fingers twirled in your hair, and his lips left kisses on the top of your head.
You shifted yourself so you were facing Michael who was smiling uncontrollably. His fingers pushed a few strands from your face behind your ear. "You're so cute with your big bug glasses." He traced his fingers along the top of your glasses. Your face went hot and your cheeks started to go a light shade of red. "I love seeing you with no makeup on. It may sound cheesy but you look so beautiful without makeup." He laughed.
Your smile grew bigger as you kept listening to his voice. "I also love that you don't dress too girly. I find that incredibly attractive.. I should stop talking." Michael looked away, you giggled and looked down at your outfit you wore a light grey tank top and a pair of Adidas shorts. "You're too cute Mikey." You poked his nose and giggled at him.

You stood in front of the mirror and debated to yourself wether or not to wear makeup. You hardly ever wear it, the only time you do is when you go out. You slid your glasses onto your face and scrunched your nose. "Cal, what do you think I should do? Makeup or no makeup?" You asked, pushing your glasses up once again.
"You look beautiful with and without it. But I love seeing you with no makeup on. I like that you're not a girly girl. I love seeing you in your big glasses, no makeup and in jeans instead of skirts." Calum smiled widely, placing a kiss on your cheek. "No makeup it is." You smiled to yourself and turned around to face him. "You're so beautiful, I hope you know that." Calum whispered, putting his forehead against yours.
You planted a kiss on his lips and nodded. "You make me feel beautiful." You whispered, hugging him tightly. His heartbeat increased as your head rested on it, making you smiled.

You sat on your bed looking at your social media and seeing comments like 'Why doesn't y/n wear makeup?', 'Y/n should wear makeup she'd look better!', 'I think she should stop wearing the bug glasses, get contact lenses for gods sakes'. You didn't care, you liked the way you looked, your glasses were something you loved wearing, no matter what they looked like.
You enjoyed not having to wake up everyday and put on makeup. You felt completely comfortable without it, and Luke loved that about you. He loved that you were confident without that stuff. "You okay babe?" Luke asked sitting beside you. "Everyone wants me to wear contact lenses and makeup. But I don't want to." You said to him passing him the laptop.
"Don't let them change you, you're beautiful. I love you with and without that stuff." He placed the laptop on the floor and snaked an arm around your waist. His soft lips made contact with your cheek. "I love you so much Luke." You smiled, slightly scrunching up your nose. "You look so cute when you scrunch your nose up. Your glasses move up when you do it." He giggled.

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