Scary Movies

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The lights were all out, only the television creating a dim and blue light across the room. You were cuddled up to Ashton's side, your eyes fixated on the television as your heart pumped rapidly in your chest. The music from the movie was reaching a climax, all the high pitched sounds coming together in one long and loud note. The movie fell silent. You knew something was going to pop out soon and you were so scared you almost thought you might possibly shit a few bricks. Your eyes were wide in suspense, mouth slightly open. The movie was still silent, everything was still.

"BOO!" Ashton squeezed you and you let out a long and terribly loud scream. The minute your scream stopped Ashton toppled over to the ground, laughing loudly and uncontrollably. You paused the movie with shaky hands and glared down at Ashton as you tried to get your breath back, placing a hand over your heart in shock. Ashton continued to basically cry in hysterics and you threw a cushion at him.

"That wasn't funny," you said, walking across the room and turning on the lights. Ashton hopped up off the ground and sat on the couch, pulling you down to sit with him again.

"No it wasn't, it was fucking hilarious. You're so cute," Ashton chuckled as you rolled your eyes, continuing the movie and going back to your original position of resting your head on Ashton's shoulder, arm lazily wrapped around his waist as his was wrapped around you, rubbing your back soothingly to let you know it was just a movie.


"Calum she's going to open that door," you whispered quietly, watching the television intently. Calum chuckled, tightening his grip around you. The two of you were sprawled out on the couch, Calum sitting up as you lay out across his chest, his arms wrapped around you. "Calum, she's opening it! She's going to die!" You cried, covering your eyes as the girl walked into the door and immediately her screams followed and then a hacking noise. You winced behind your hands as Calum chuckled.

"You're missing the best bit babe!" He said, continuing to laugh at the gore that was happening on screen. "It's not even that bad," Calum reasoned and you sighed, taking your hands away from your face. You instantly regretted it as your eyes took in a mangled body, blood surrounding the whole room and an axe lying next to the chopped up body. You thought you were going to vomit.

"That's disgusting," you groaned, hiding your face in Calum's shirt. He laughed, rubbing your back comfortingly.

"It's just...tomato sauce," he said and you smacked his chest lightly, looking up at him with a smirk.

"I'm choosing the movie next time," you said and he laughed, placing a small kiss on your nose before the two of you turned back to watch the movie.


"YEAH!" You and Luke stood up in a roaring celebration as yet another zombie brutally ate a human being. You turned to Luke, giving him a double high five before you both sat down. The two of you were watching a zombie apocalypse movie and to say that you were both enjoying it was the understatement of the century. You couldn't get enough of it.

"Babe, babe, babe," Luke started swatting your arm lightly, trying to get your attention as you both watched the screen. "There's a zombie behind there!" He said and you grinned.

"You reckon?" You asked and he nodded as the two of you leaned forward, waiting for a zombie to jump out. It did suddenly, attacking a girl as she let out an ear piercing scream and you and Luke jumped up again, this time on the couch and let out a few cheers and wolf whistles. You turned to each other, jumping up and smacking chests and you laughed, rubbing your chest. "Bad idea, we won't do that again," you said and he grinned as you sat down, pulling you into his arms.

"How about we watch this movie like normal people, yeah?" He smirked and you grinned, leaning back into him as his arms tightened around you, cheering quietly this time as yet another human was eaten on screen.


You squealed quietly, leaning further into Michael's side as he chuckled. You hid your face into his chest, entirely looking away from the scary movie. You felt Michael's arm tighten around you. "It's just a movie, Y/N," you could hear the smile in his voice and you shook your head into his chest.

"I'm not watching it." Your voice was muffled as you spoke into his shirt and you felt his stomach shake beneath you with his laughter. You heard screams come from the television and wince, trying to hug yourself impossibly closer to Michael's chest.

"This was a beautiful idea," Michael laughed and you pulled back to glare at him as he grinned and placed a peck on your cheek.

"What? Scaring the shit out of me?" You asked and he nodded, kissing your other cheek.

"Pulls in the v," he said and you rolled your eyes, pushing yourself away from him, trying to hide your smirk. You moved to the far side of the sofa and bunched up into a ball, hiding your face from the movie. Two arms grabbed at your legs, pulling you back towards Michael as he hugged you close to his body again. "That was no invitation to leave, Y/N," Michael frowned and you grinned, turning back to the movie that was honestly making you shit bricks.

"Watch the movie you weirdo," you said, trying your hardest to concentrate on the movie as this time, Michael cuddled up to your side and placed small kisses along your collar bone.

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