Fluffy Michael

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You take the extra key he gave you and open his front door. You slowly walk in, trying not to disturb the other guys. You walk over to Michael's room and open the door as quietly as possible. You close the door behind you and smile at Michael who is sprawled out across the bed under the covers. You begin moving his dresser over three inches, then take his bedside table and move it over three inches. You then take a deep breath before pushing his bed over. He stirs a little, but you know he'd sleep through an explosion. You then move the rest of the items in his room over three inches. You look through the room, smiling at your work, then slowly open the door and leave it open so you can watch the damage from the tv room, safely. You start cooking breakfast and you see Calum and Luke come downstairs and Ashton come out of the room adjacent to Michael's. They begin eating the pancakes you've made, no questions asked. When you sit down with your food on the couch with them, Ashton finally poses a question.

"Wait, why are you here so early? You know Michael's not gonna be up."

"Just wait until he wakes up, then you'll know."

He sighs, then turns on the tv. You all finish eating the seconds of breakfast when you hear a loud noise. You turn off the tv and point so the boys all turn their attention into Michael's room. He ran straight into the wall and is rubbing his face. He turns to put some pants on, but he trips over his bed. He sighs and just walks out in boxers. As he's walking out, he hits his head on the door frame and you try hard not to laugh, but you can't hold it in. You start cracking up and Michael turns his attention to you on the couch.

"Hey, why are you here so early?"

"It's 12:30 pm." you laugh.

"Yeah, exactly." he laughs, walking into the kitchen to grab the extra pancakes you've made. They're cold, but that's how he's used to eating breakfast because of his sleeping schedule.

You decide to lure him back into his room just to get confused again, so you tell the boys exactly what you did and go in there with a chorus of laughter behind you. You sit down on his bed and lightly kick your shoes into the corner. You hear Michael ask where you went and seconds later, he's standing in the doorway.

"Do you notice anything different in here?" he asks, assessing the room.

"nope." you smile. He walks in and stubs his toe into the dresser and limps over to the bed. He actually makes it all the way onto it, to your surprise, and looks up at you.

"You sure?"

"Yeah, I mean it looks the same, just a tad different."

"But how? I mean it feels different but looks the same."

"Maybe the furniture got moved." you smirk.

"But I didn't move anything..." he contemplates for a second, "did you?"

You shrug your shoulders.

"You did." he smiles.

"Maybe." you smile back, taunting him.

"You've gotta be punished!" he smirks.

"What are you going to do?" you smile.

His face turns to confusion, then to content.

His arms reach towards you and you realize what's happening. You try to roll away, but his arms are long enough to reach you. He begins tickling you and you shriek and start giggling.

"Tell me you won't prank me again." he laughs, tickling your sides.

"never!" you giggle.

"Then I'll just keep doing this until you do!" he says, picking you up and setting you on his lap to continue the torture.

"Fine! Fine! I won't prank you again!" you laugh.

He stops tickling you and turns you to face him, "and how to I know you're not lying?"

"You trust me?" you laugh.

"No, I need better evidence." he says with a face like he has an idea.

"And what do you need?"

"A kiss." he smiles.

"And then you'll stop tickling me?"

He nods. You lean forward and kiss his forehead.

He shakes his head. You lean forward again and kiss his cheek.

He shakes his head again. You lean in and kiss his nose.

He shakes his head. You lean forward slowly, lingering in front of his face, nose to nose. You reach behind his head and pull him closer to you, sealing the kiss

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