You're scared of thunder 2/4

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Michael 2/4

I sighed when I heard the first drops of rain. I was sitting on the couch, watching some stupid TV program. Unlike other people, I didn't like the rain. I didn't hate it but it just made me feel sad and tired. I didn't know why, it just did it. I put the blanket over me and I rested my head on the armrest of the couch. I didn't feel like doing anything I just wanted to go to sleep but it was early and, truth be told, I wasn't sleepy.
I began to feel comfortable when the room lighted up and, seconds later, a thunder was heard. A shiver went down my spine and I shrank on the couch, trying to protect myself. That was what I really hate: thunders. I knew it was stupid but it scared me. It made me feel like a little girl, unprotected and powerless. I could bear it, though; or that was I liked to think.
But when the thunders were heard every few minutes, announcing that it was a storm, a lump formed in my throat. Suddenly, the power went out and I was left in the living room, with nothing more but my phone. I tried to convince myself not to be scared because there wasn't a reason to fear storms. I mean, no one had died... I erased that thought from my mind as soon as it came.
I wanted Michael to be there. For everyone's surprise, Michel decided to go out today. He never went out, he was in love with his man cave and his video games but today, specifically today, he decided to go and have fun with his friends. It was okay, I wasn't mad. I wanted him to have fun but, why today? Probably because neither of us watched the weather channel.
On the one hand, I wanted to call him and ask him to come home. I was starting to feel very scared and alone and now that the power went out, I didn't want to move from the couch. It was like all my fears could happen right at that moment. What if someone tried to get into the house? What if a lightning hit me and split me down the middle? Could lightning do that? I covered my head with the blanket and I closed my eyes, hoping that the storm would end soon.
When I heard his voice, even I knew it was Michael, I jumped from the couch, scared; he had caught me unexpectedly. I heard him giggle.
"What the hell, Michael? You scared me to death!" I grumbled. "What are you doing here? I thought you were with the boys having some fun".
"I was but as soon as it started to thunder, I knew you'd be thinking you were going to die so I came home to make you company" he said, smiling at the end.
"Really?" I mumbled, surprised.
"Yeah, baby. I missed you so I was coming anyway, with or without thunders".
I got up from the couch and I walked over to him. I stood on my tiptoes -because he was way more tall than me-, I put my arms around his neck and I hugged him. Michael had his things but he was a good friend and a much better boyfriend. He always was making sure I was okay and that I had everything I needed. And even though he didn't understand why I was scared of thunder -sometimes I didn't understand it either-, he always was by my side trying to calm me down.
"Thank you" I said, kissing his cheek as I broke the hug. He shook his head and placed his index finger in his lips.
"I want a proper 'thank you'".
I looked at him in a funny way as I bit my bottom lip. I couldn't take my impulse much more time, so I jumped on him and I wrap my legs in his hips as my hands grabbed his face. He made sure to grab my body close to him, so that way I couldn't fall. I pulled a few strands of his hair that covered his forehead and I looked at him with loving eyes. I really didn't know what I would do without Michael. I smiled softly and I placed my lips into his, starting a soft kiss. Our mouths moved in sync and soon, the kiss became more passionate.
"Thank you" I mumbled into his lips. He kissed me one last time and still with me clinged to his body as if I were a koala, he went to the kitchen. "What are you doing?"
"Preparing you some tea" I smiled and I kissed him again, making him laugh. "If it weren't because you are afraid, I wish there was thunders every day".
"Keep dreaming, baby" I laughed.

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