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Blair hit Nate on the arm. "What the hell is wrong with you?"

"What did I do?" He asks the girl.

Blair looks at Sage with disgust. "Do you mind leaving us to talk in private?"

"Yeah. I'll just be over there." Sage walks away.

"What the hell is wrong with you?"

"What did I do?" He repeats himself.

"Are you back together with her?" Blair asked the boy.

"Her name is Sage Blair. I didn't know you were jealous."

Blair laughed. "Please Archibald. Don't flatter yourself. Jessica. What happened?"

"What about her?"

"Why did you break up with her?"

"It's complicated."

"No. No it's not complicated."

"You don't know."

"You have been pining over J for decades now and when you finally have her you break it up and get back with this boo hoo trash."

"'s not that simple.""

Blair rolled her eyes. "Oh please Archibald, you guys are meant for each other but here you are canoodling with the girl who ruined my fashion show."

"She didn't ruin your fashion show."

"Yes she did Archibald. Just... don't be a dick to Jess that's all." And with that Blair left the boy in his own thoughts.

Everyone knows Nate and Jessica are endgame. They always will be.

They belong together. 

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