Chapter two

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Harry's POV

He woke up at 6:30 in the morning to his alarm blaring loudly. He groaned and hit the button to make it stop. He waited a moment before throwing the covers off and rolling out of bed. He headed to his bathroom, which was attached to his room, and started to get ready. He got in the shower and quickly washed himself. He got out and brushed his teeth. Everything was routine, everything was perfect. Fucking perfect.

He finished drying off and put on his school uniform. That was one good thing about catholic school, the uniform. It allowed him to blend in with the crowd and go unnoticed. His style, if he got to pick what he wore, would be more avantgarde than the average lad. He would like to express himself with fashion, but he couldn't because that would give everything away. He just needed to fly under the radar.

He finished fixing his hair, then went downstairs for breakfast. He walked into the kitchen and his eyes grew wide. The kitchen was horrifically messy, and the kitchen table was full of food. It was almost every food imaginable.

"Good morning mum" he said.

"Good morning love, I hope you like the breakfast I made you" his mum said with a bright shiny smile.

"Wow, uh it's a lot of food mum" he said.

"I didn't know what to make so I made everything. I just want everything to be perfect for your first day at your new school" she said.

"Well thank you mum it looks great" he said walking over to sit at the kitchen table.

He pilled some pancakes onto his plate and grabbed some eggs as well. He started eating the breakfast and it was amazing. His dad came down for breakfast and sat across from him. He watched as his father loaded his plate and started to eat.

"So, Harry, are you excited for school" his dad asked.

"Uh yeah of course" he said.

"Don't be nervous Harry, you are great everyone will love you at school" his dad said.

"Thanks dad" he said shooting him a small smile.

He finished his breakfast and washed his dishes and put them away. He ran up and grabbed his backpack and went back stairs. He was about to walk out of the door when he was stopped by his mum.

"I don't like the idea of you walking alone to school" she said.

"Mum, it's a fifteen-minute walk I'll be fine. You don't need to worry, I'm not a baby. Now I need to go before I'm late" he said.

"Okay honey, have a good day love you" she said.

"Love you too mum bye" he said closing the front door.

He took his short walk to school, luckily, he didn't get lost. He arrived at Saint Mary's Preparatory, aka hell on earth. A place full of ultra-religious teens that were out for blood. It was like the Hunger Games; every person was fighting to survive.

He took a deep breath and went inside. He walked a couple steps before he felt someone throw their arm around him.

"Hey Harry" Niall said.

Liam came up on his right and Zayn walked next to Niall.

"Harry, I signed up to be your tour guide" Liam said.

"Oh cool, thanks" he said.

"Come on Harry let's go pick up your schedule from the office" Liam said.

"Okay" he shrugged.

He said goodbye to Niall and Zayn, then went to the Office with Liam to get his schedule. He looked at his schedule. It was pretty normal classes Math, English, science, gym and history. The only thing that wasn't normal was religious education class. Of course, getting lectured at church wasn't enough, they had to do that to him at school as well. He knew that he would have a religious class, it was a catholic school after all, but that didn't mean he didn't dread it.

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