Chapter four

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Harry's POV

He woke up at 6:30 like he always did for school. He wasn't excited for school, but he was excited about going to football practice later today. He missed playing football so much, and he couldn't wait to be back at it. He hoped that he would be able to make the team, he had been out of practice, so he hoped he still was good.

He got out of bed and went to take a shower. If he thought of Louis whilst showering nobody needed to know. After showering he finished getting ready and headed downstairs for breakfast. His mum would try to make breakfast a big thing, but he just wanted to get to school There was no use in delaying the inevitable miserable school day.

"Good morning mum" he said walking into the kitchen.

"Good morning love, what do you want for breakfast" his mum asked

"Oh no, I'll just get some cereal, I just want to get to school" he explained.

He ate his cereal and packed his backpack before leaving to go to school. He walked to school like he had the day before. When he got to the school, he walked around until he found Niall, Liam, and Zayn.

"Hey guys" he said approaching the group.

"Hey Harry, how are you" Liam said.

"I'm good, how are you" he said.

"I'm good as well, word is it that you are going to be joining football practice today" Liam said.

"Yeah, yesterday we were playing football in gym and Coach asked me to join football practice today" he explained.

"I'm really excited mate, I'm a goalie myself. It would be so cool if you were on the team. We are actually down a player because Tom, one of the offensive players broke his leg last week. I really hope you make it" Liam said.

"I really hope so too, I really miss playing football. I played football back in Holmes Chapel, I really miss playing, even though it has only been two weeks since I played last" he said.

"I hope you make it, me and Zayn come and watch every single game. It would be great to watch you play as well" Niall said.

"I hope" he said.

"If Coach picked you out from a scrimmage in gym, then you have potential. Coach is good, he picks the best players and sees the potential in them. He saw the potential in Liam" Zayn said.

"Hey, I have always been good" Liam defended.

"You missed half the balls that came at you when you first got on the team three years ago" Zayn said.

"Hey, I worked really hard" Liam defended.

"I didn't say you didn't. If Coach never saw how much potential you had, you would never have made it this far" Zayn said.

"Fine you're right. You also have a point though, if Coach picked you out then you have a good chance of making it" Liam said.

"We believe in you" Niall added.

"Thanks guys, you are all great. I don't know why he picked me out though, Louis was way better than me on the field" he said.

"Louis is on the team; he is an offensive player. Not many people actually realize he plays, since he never talks to anyone. He isn't even close to the team, like I said he is weird" Liam said.

"Whenever he got near the goal, he always would pass the ball to someone else" he said.

"Yeah, that's classic Louis, he never scores. He just gets really close and passes the ball. I have no clue why he does it at all. If he didn't do it, he could be the star of the team, but he's never going to change. Louis is one of the most stubborn people I know" Liam said.

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