Chapter fifteen

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Louis' POV

Harry was avoiding him, he was actually avoiding him. He knew it was for the best, but it still hurt. Him avoiding Harry, and Harry avoiding him were different. So mabey he didn't want to actually avoid Harry, but he had to.

Harry and his cute curly hair drove him crazy. He shouldn't think these things, he knew he shouldn't. Denying this feeling, whatever it was, was the hardest thing he has ever done. Going to camp was nothing like this. Sure they preached about being a sinner if you like another person of the same gender, but it was nothing like this. When he went to camp everything was theoretical, but this was real. He felt attracted to Harry, and he hated that with every fiber of his being.

It was wrong. He didn't want to go to hell, so he just had to continue to pretend. He's been doing it for years, he should be used to it by now. As long as he kept appearances up he could be happy, he could stay. He just needed to be straight, simple right.

After school he went to church. He could've sworn he saw Harry go into the public library, but he was wrong right. He went into the church and prayed like he always did. Halfway through the time he was normally there Father Paul came over and sat down next to him in the pew. This was odd, it was definitely not a normal occurrence.

"Hello Father Paul" he said kindly.

"Hello Louis, how are you" Father Paul asked.

"Great" he responded.

"Have you been doing your prayers" Father Paul asked.

"Of course" he said.

"I heard you were having trouble, and may be falling off the path" Father Paul said.

"Path" he asked confused.

"Yes, I heard from your father that you may be having some sinful thoughts" Father Paul said.

"No, I haven't had any sinful thoughts after camp. They fixed me and now I'm back on track" he lied giving him a fake smile to ease the tension.

"Just so you know, you can always repent for your sins. You seem like a good boy Louis, these thoughts are just a phase. It is the devil testing you, but you are strong Louis, I know that the devil won't tempt you right" Father Paul said.

"Yes of course, I wont fall into temptation" he said.

"Good, you should go home, you don't want to be late for dinner do you" Father Paul said.

"Of corse not, have a good evening Father Paul" he said.

"Have a good evening Louis, let God guide you onto the path of the righteous" Father Paul said.

He smiled and nodded before exiting the church. He walked home contemplating everything that Father Paul said. Was it really obvious that he was falling off the correct path. Was he really a awful sinner like his father said he was. He tried so hard, but it wasn't enough, it was never enough.

He walked home and went straight up to his room to work on his homework. He needed something to distract him from the worldwide of emotions that he was dealing with. He finished most of his homework, but when was about to start math homework he heard a knock on his door. He panicked and started to straighten up his room, so that everything was perfect. The door opened and Fizzy walked in. He sighed in relief.

"Hey Louis" she said jumping onto his bed messing up all of the pillows.

"Fizzy, your messing up my pillows" he said annoyed.

"There just pillows" she said rolling her eyes. "So how was your day" she asked.

"Fine" he responded confused.

Too far gone to prayWhere stories live. Discover now