Chapter twenty one

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Harry's POV

Him and Louis are together, actually together. He didn't think that Louis would actually say yes to being his boyfriend but he did, he actually did. They hadn't known each other long, but time is immeasurable in the face of love. Love is stronger than everything.

While watching Grease, Louis fell asleep in his arms. He loved watching Louis sing the songs from Grease. He loved seeing Louis do anything that made him smile that big. Louis smile could light the world up.

After the movie was done, he picked up Louis bridal style and carried him up to his room. Louis stirred a little, but never woke up. Louis looked so sweet asleep, like nothing in the world was bothering him.

He payed Louis down on his bed and crawled in next to him. While Louis was still asleep Louis wrapped his arms around him and spooned him from behind. It was natural, like they were meant to fit together.

He fell asleep with Louis wrapped around him. He hasn't felt so safe and comfortable in so long. He knew that it was meant to be. Nobody else had ever made him feel this way. Nobody else could make him feel this way.

He ended up waking up first. Louis was still cuddled into him. When Louis woke up he looked like he was panicking a little before he calmed down.

"What's wrong" he asked.

"Yesterday was so good I thought it was a dream. I'm so glad it wasn't a dream" Louis said snuggling into him.

"I'm so glad it isn't a dream too" he said stroking Louis cheek.

"Harry" Louis said.

"Yea babe" he said.

"I like how that sounds. I-I think I love you, is that crazy" Louis said.

"It's not crazy, because I love you too" he said with a bright smile.

Louis leaned in and kissed him sweetly. The kiss was brief but loving none the less. Neither of them cared that they had morning breath, they were too enamoured with each other.

They both got out of bed and got ready. Louis took his shower before him, they just weren't ready to go that far. Louis had just admitted to himself that he was gay, so he wasn't quite ready to go that far.

They got in their school uniforms. Louis borrowed one of his shirts, which was too big for him, but they made it work. Once they were all dressed and had fixed their hair, they went downstairs for breakfast.

His mum had made them chocolate chip waffles, which were amazing. They ate breakfast together talking and laughing. His mum gave him a look that said 'what is going on here', but he didn't respond. He just turned back to Louis and continued their chatting.

After breakfast they grabbed their backpacks, put their shoes on and headed out the door after yelling goodbye to his mum. While they were walking to school a question ran through his mind. What about Eleanor?

"Louis what are we going to do about Eleanor" he asked.

"I don't know what I should do" Louis said.

"We" he stated.

"What" Louis said confused.

"You said 'I', there is no 'I' anymore, now we are a we. It's you and me, I'll help you through anything" he said.

"Okay then, what should WE do" Louis said emphasising on the we.

"I don't want you to go away" he said.

"I don't want to leave either. So what do we do? If I don't date Eleanor I have to go away to camp, and neither of us want that" Louis said.

"You fake it. You pretend to be with Eleanor, then you can be with me in secret. I know it isn't ideal, but it's what keeps us together. We only tell the people who need to know about us, then we keep the secret from everyone else" he suggested.

Too far gone to prayWhere stories live. Discover now