Chapter twenty three

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Louis' POV

"What in Gods name is going on here" his father yelled.

"Oh my God" he said pulling up the covers to cover him and Harry.

Harry beside him under the covers praying that the ground would swallow him whole.

"Father I can explain" he said panicked.

Truth is he didn't know what to say. Does he lie or admit that he is in fact gay and is in a romantic relationship with another boy. At this point lying wouldn't work anyways.

"And how would you explain this Louis, how would you explain to me why in Gods name you are in bed with a boy" his father spat evilly.

"I-I um" he stuttered.

He didn't know what to say, how could he even explain this. Truth is he loves Harry and hates having to be in this position at all.

"See there is no good answer because this is wrong. This is wrong" His father yelled.

"No you are wrong. I love him I, I fucking love him. You and your small mind are wrong. I used to think you are right but now I know the truth, I know that you are wrong and the only thing that matters is love. Love matters not heaven not hell, love.

"No, you are wrong. You can be fixed, you just need to pray harder" his father said.

"You cant fix what's not broken, I was broken before but now I know who I am, I know who I love. And you cant just pray away the gay, I am too far gone pray" he said.

"Why you little-" his father sneered lunging towards him.

His father pulled him out of the bed by his hair. Luckily both he and Harry had their boxers on. He kicked and screamed as his father dragged him from his bed. Harry tried to grab him and pull him away from his father, but his father was much stronger and was able to pull him away.

His mother stood in shock and fear in the doorway. Harry tried again and again to pry him away from his father's hold but he failed. His father had his arms wrapped around his tiny body keeping him from getting away from him.

"Let him go" Harry yelled with tears streaming down his face.

"You little filthy good for nothing boy, you get out of my house this instant" his father yelled at harry angrily.

"No I wont let you hurt him" Harry yelled trying to pry him from his fathers tight hold.

His father pushed him to the ground knocking the air out of him. Then his father with an angry expression on his face began to scream a stream of obscenities.

Harry tried to get to him but was stuck across the face by his father. He tried to get up to help harry, but was pushed back down by his father. He screamed for his father to stop, but his father continued to pummel Harry. His father grabbed Harry by the ear and dragged him out of the room, and presumably by the sound of the front door slamming, the house.

He knew that he was screaming and crying, but all he could hear in that moment was a ringing noise in his ears. Everything seemed as to be moving in slow motion. It seemed as if he wasn't there at all, like he was merely observing the scene.

He was brought back to reality by his father picking him up and throwing him on the ground again.

"Put these on" his father said throwing a shirt and a pair of trousers at him.

He scrambled to put on the clothes that his father had thrown at him. He was terrified of what his father was going to do next, so he thought it was best to just comply with what his father wanted.

Once he was dressed his father wasted no time to grab him by his collar and drag him out of his bedroom and down the stairs. He screamed for him to stop as he thudded down the stairs trying and failing to get his feet underneath himself.

His father dragged him out of the house, unlocked the car door and threw him inside. He tried to open the car door but his father turned on the child lock preventing him from escaping.

Harry was still out on their front lawn in nothing it his boxers with tears streaming down his face. He banged on the window trying to get out, trying to return to his love, but he couldn't. He has never felt so weak, has never felt so utterly incapable of anything.

Harry tried to open the door from the outside but it was no use, neither of them were able to open the door. He hated seeing Harry upset like this. He never wanted to see the boy he loves upset, but here they were. He never wanted to be away from the boy he loves, but here they were. They were only o opposite sides of a car door, but it seemed as though the were miles apart. The whole situation was dreadful for the both of them.

His father got into the car pushing away Harry as he futilely attempted to get to him. His father turned he ignition and the car started to reverse out of the driveway. He screamed for his father to stop but his father acted as though he couldn't hear his defending pleads for him to stop.

" I wont forget you, I love you Harry, I love you so much" he screamed as loud as he could possibly muster.

"I love you too" Harry yelled back.

He watched out the car window as Harry attempted to run side by side with the car. Harry stayed neck and neck with the car as long as possible until his father was driving too fast for Harry to keep up with.

He turned around and looked out the window at Harry. Harry was crying in his boxers crumpled down kneeling on the pavement sobbing relentlessly. He didn't tear his eyes away until Harry had faded from view and was replaced by nothing but a blurred scenery.

He had been so focused on Harry that he didn't realise how much he had been crying himself. Hot tears shamed down his face making wet blotches on his tee shirt.

"No, no you can't do this to me" he cried.

"I can and I will so help me God" his father said with his eyes focused on the road ahead of them.

He didn't know where exactly he was going, but he knew it was going to be awful. This time they couldn't break him. This time he had love, hope, ad most importantly Harry. He just needed to focus on the pure blissful love he felt for Harry and everything else would just sort itself out. He just needed to hand onto his love.


I hope that this chapter was alright. I'm terribly sorry that there has been a lack of chapters. At the moment I just seemed to lose all inspiration, but I believe it is coming back, so that's good. I will try my bet to keep on schedule, sorry.

Have a great day/ night

xx Sophie 🖤

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