Chapter twenty four

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Harry's POV

He was left sobbing on the pavement in nothing but his boxers, while the love of his life was being torn away from him. He watched with tears eyes as the car drove away until it was nothing but a blip in the distance, too far for him to see anymore.

That's it no matter how hard he tried to get to Louis he was pushed way. Louis father is an evil vile man that just took Louis away from him. He had no clue where they were taking Louis. Louis had mentioned that they were going to send him back to conversion camp.

Conversion camp, really they actually thought that would work. He hoped that it wouldn't work. Louis was strong, he believed that Louis could make it through. When he got Louis back they will make it through this together. They just needed to be together again.

He picked himself off of the cold hard pavement. The sky started to rumble and water began to fall, as though the sky was crying for them. This day just seemed to get worse and worse.

He walked all the way home still crying uncontrollably. He just wanted it all to stop. He wanted Louis back, and he just wanted to be happy. Why couldn't he just be happy.

The rain was pouring down hard making him cold and wet. His chocolate curls were hanging wet across his face, messily pushed back from his eyes.

After a while he felt numb, as though he wouldn't be able to shed another tear even if he tried. That of course was probably not actually true though.

He opened the front door to his house and walked into the foyer. He was sopping wet, which was causing the floor to be sopping wet as well.

He saw his mum and his dad sitting in the living room on the sofa watching some police show. His mum turned around to great him, but when she saw him she knew something was wrong. The minute their eyes locked he broke down crying again.

"Harry, honey what's wrong" his mum said rushing to his side.

"They-they took him away" he cried.

His mum grabbed a large towel from the line closet and wrapped it around his shaking body. His mum put her arm around him and led him to the sofa next to his dad. Once his dad saw the state of him he shared the same worried expression that his mum did.

"Who did they take, honey please just explain what is wrong" his mum said worriedly.

"Louis, they took Louis away from me" he cried.

"Harry, who is Louis" his dad asked confused.

"Louis, God Louis is the love of my life dad. He is the person who makes me happiest, he is the person who makes me smile everyday, he is the person I want to be with. But I can't I cant't be with the person I love because they fucking tore him away from me" he cried.

"Are you telling us that you are-" his father asked giving him a look.

"Gay, yeah I am. I have known for years" he said rolling his eyes.

"Why didn't you tell us, why didn't you tell me" his mum asked her voice breaking.

"I was scared, okay I was scared. We are religious, I was afraid that you would yell at me an call me the spawn of satan or something worse. I was afraid that once you knew who I am you wouldn't love me anymore. I thought it would be easier and safer if nobody knows" he said.

"I could never not love you. I Love you with every fiber of my being and there is literally nothing that could make me stop loving you. Yes. Believe in God but I also believe in love, and most importantly I believe in you. You love this boy and I love you which means I support you. I will always support you, because you are my son and I love you more than anything, but not your sister I love you both equally" his mum said.

He rolled his eyes when she said the whole thing about loving his sister and him the same amount.

"I agree with your mother. I love you Harry, and I support you too. I might not be able to say it as eloquently as your mum did, but I agree with everything your mum said. You are our son and there is absolutely nothing that could ever, I mean ever make us stop loving you that is ridiculous. Now explain to us what exactly happened" his father said.

"Okay well I was in bed with my boyfriend Louis-" he started.

"Boyfriend, wow congratulations" his mum said smiling happily.

"Mum" he said annoyed.

"Right, right not the time, sorry" she said.

"So I was in bed with Louis and we were sleeping. And we didn't realise that his parents had come home early. And well uh, they found us in bed together. His father tore us apart, and I tried, I mean I really tried to get to him but I couldn't. His father dragged me out of the house and left me on the front lawn sobbing, in nothing but my boxers. Then less than ten minutes later Louis was being dragged out by his father and shoved him into the car. I tried to get to Louis but I couldn't. I tried to keep up with the car as they drove away, but I couldn't. I tried but-but I just couldn't do anything" he said.

"Your cheek is all red did he do that, did Louis father do this to you" his dad asked.

"Yeah uh I was trying to get to Louis, but his father hit me and pushed him away" he said.

"I'm going to kill him, I'm seriously going to kill him, nobody hits my son. What is their last name" his father said.

"Tomlinson" he said.

"Tomlinson. I talked to that man, like a civil conversation. He hit you, I will find where he lives and kill him myself" his father said angrily.

"Don't, just don't. They are gone anyways, I don't know if I'll ever even get to see him again" he said.

"Where did they go" his mum asked.

"His father is taking him away to fucking conversion therapy camp" he said running his hand through his wet curls.

"Conversion therapy camp, seriously. That is wrong, that is despicably wrong. There is nothing wrong with Louis, there is nothing wrong with you. They are wrong, God loves love and god loves you. They can't just try to pray away the gay, that's not how it works. There is nothing wrong with being gay" his dad ranted angrily.

"Do you know which camp it is" his mum asked.

"No, I have no clue. They sent Louis to conversion camp last summer, but they said that this time they would send Louis to a worse one. I mean how could they do that, how could they make it worse. Louis was terrified when I met him, Louis was terrified that God would smite him and he would spend a eternity boiling in hell. But Louis grew, he doesn't believe that anymore. Now Louis is allowing himself to love someone, and that someone is me. Louis loves me and I love him, and now they are taking him away from me" he said.

His mum hugged him from one side and his dad hugged him from the other sandwiching him between them. He just cried as they held him, there was nothing else he could do but cry.

"It will be okay, it will okay" his mum said comfortingly.

"How" he asked sniffling from crying so excessively.

"I don't know, but everything will work itself out" she said.

He tried to hold onto any hope he had in this moment, but it was hard. He just needed Luis back. Louis made everything better.


I hope you liked the chapter, thank you for reading.

Have a great day/night

-xx Sophie 🖤

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