Chapter five

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Louis' POV

He always got to the locker room a bit later so that there would be less people in the locker room. He got changed in the corner like he always did, making sure not to look at anyone. If his eyes wandered, he would be committing a sin, and he didn't want to do that. His father had warned him about lustful eyes, and he didn't want to disobey him.

He finished getting changed and headed out onto the field. He loved football, it was the only thing he was good at and could control. It was the only sense of normalcy he had in his small, peculiar world.

He walked out onto the field with his head held high, this was his favorite place to be. For a second everything was perfect, until his eyes laid on him. Why won't this boy leave him alone. Harry, the boy who tortured him day and night with his beauty. He had known him only for two days, but he knew he was trouble. Harry made him think of sinning, Harry made all his hard work go down the drain. Harry destroyed everything.

He quickly looked down avoiding Harry's gaze. He could feel Harry's piercing eyes on him. Harry was making it harder to ignore these feelings, these awful feelings. He went over and stood in the back of the group of football players. He tried not to be noticed.

He was always trying not to be noticed. If he didn't draw attention to himself, it would be easier to hide all the sinful things about him. He knew how to blend in and act normal. He has had seventeen years of pretending to be normal. He just wished that he was like everyone else, it would make life so much easier for him.

"Okay team, I have found us a new player. This is Harry, and I think he can be a great asset to the team. Last week Tom broke his leg, so we need a new offensive player. That's where Harry comes in. I've seen him play and talked to his old coaches, and I know that this is the right choice" Coach said.

"Welcome to the team" Liam yelled. The rest of the team cheered for their new team member.

He stayed silent. He didn't want Harry on the team, sure he was a good player, but he didn't want him on the team. The field was his happy place, a place where he could walk away from all his problems and not have to think. Now Harry was on the field with him, and he couldn't walk away to his happy place.

"Okay team let's warm up, five laps around the field" Coach yelled.

The team started to run around the field. He was a really good runner, he could be a track star if he wanted to be, but he didn't. When he ran around the field, he made sure to never be the first, that way he wouldn't get as much attention.

After they warmed up, Coach had them run drills. He hated running drills. He was really good at them, which gained him attention. One time he tried to make it look like he was bad at drills, but it was a botched attempt and Coach noticed.

When they did shooting drills, he got every single one in. Liam was a great goalie, an amazing one actually but he was really good at shooting. He never did it in a game, but he practiced it all the time by himself. He only ever shot the ball into the goal when Coach wasn't looking. Coach knew he could score, everyone did, but they also knew he wouldn't. They didn't know why though.

He tried not to look over at Harry, but he did a few times. Harry was really good. He also hadn't missed a goal and was excellent at dribbling. Harry was better than he was. Harry was a star, he actually would score a goal. No one would question anything about Harry because he was a normal guy. He however wasn't.

"Okay guys how do you guys feel about doing a scrimmage to see how Harry plays" Coach said.

Everyone nodded their head and some actually cheered. They loved doing scrimmages. Everyone went to get in their positions on the field, but Coach stopped him so they could talk.

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