Chapter twenty eight

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Louis POV

"Harry" he yelled sprinting into Harry's open arms.

Harry held him tightly and he leaned into Harry's loving embrace. Harry's arms felt warm and safe, something he hasn't felt in quite a while.

Harry found him he actually found him. He never thought that Harry would actually be able to rescue him from this terribly awful place.

"How-how are you here" he asked.

"We don't have time to explain, we need to get out of here as fast as possible" Harry said.

'We got Louis' Liam said.

'Got it, now get him out of there' Niall said.

"Walk-in talkies" he questioned.

"Part of Niall's amazing plan, now come on let's get out of here" Harry said.

He followed Harry and Liam hiding behind trees and buildings. They led him to the border wall. On the wall there was a rope ladder. Liam went up first, then Harry started to climb. Just as he was about to start climbing a loud blaring siren went off. The guard towers lights turned on scanning around trying to find the missing boy.

He hesitated before starting to climb as fast as he could. About halfway up the ladder he felt someone grab onto his leg and attempt to pull him down. He struggled trying to push away the person who was trying to pull him down.

"Harry" he yelled desperately.

"Don't let the demons that satan has sent pull you from the proper riotous path" Patrick yelled.

"Fuck the path, I'll happily burn in hell if I can have Harry" he yelled back.

Harry and Liam struggled to pull him over the wall while Patrick and George tried to pull him down. He felt like a rope in a tug of war game. Each team equally wanted him on their side, but only one could win.

Harry pulled him hard and he was able to adult over the wall. He clung to the rope ladder on the other side of the wall. He quickly climbed down and pulled the ladder down behind him so that neither Patrick nor George could follow them down.

Just beyond the tree line there was a parked car. It was Zayn's car. They all actually came to save him. He dreamed that they would all come to rescue him, but he never thought they would actually come to get him.

He thought that his father would keep where he was secret so that they wouldn't be able to find him. He thought that nobody would ever find him and he would quite possibly die inside that solitary cell.

He tried to hold onto hope, but as the days past he began to lose the hope he once had. Being there wasn't easy. Every day he was without Harry was like endless torture.

Being with Harry again felt like a incredible fantasy. He was terrified that at any moment he would wake up alone in that solitary cell. This just felt too good to be true, but maybe it was actually true.

They all pilled into Zayn's car and Zayn quickly pulled away. Niall was looking at his laptop and listening to a walk-in talkie, too busy to see that he was actually in the car.

'Camper that was in 28 is MIA sending fleet to retrieve the escapee' someone said on the walk-in talkie.

"They are on their way tp find us, Zayn step on the glass. We need to get out of here fast as possible" Niall said.

Zayn increased the cars speed and pulled out onto the main road that went in and out of the camp. The gates of the camp opened and a fleet of five cars in a pyramid shape emerged.

Zayn continued going as fast as he could. Niall instructed him to turn down side roads and dirt paths as a diversion so that they wouldn't be able to cut them off. They tried to go straight, but a black camp car blocked them and they had to divert off onto a dirt road .

'We lost the escapee, does anyone have eyes on the foreign car'.

'They are heading onto South River Road' Niall said faking a posh accent.

'Got it, heading that way to cut them off'.

"Zayn turn North on Primrose road now" Niall instructed.

Zayn turned onto Primrose road hoping that they lost all of the cars that were following them. They continued until they lost their trail and got onto the freeway.

"Are we safe now" he asked.

"We are safe" Niall said with a sigh.

"Good to see you again Louis" Zayn said.

"You don't know how incredibly happy I am to see you guys" he said.

Harry hugged him into his side protectively. He hugged back Harry nuzzling his head into Harry's chest.

"I didn't know if you were coming, I hoped at first, but I-I was starting to lose hope. I'm so sorry Haz" he said into Harry's chest.

"Don't be sorry Lou, it was hard, but I will always do everything in my power to get you back. I said I would get you back and I did, because I love you so so much" Harry said.

"I love you too" he said looking up and leaning in to kiss Harry.

Harry kissed back hungry from all the time that they have been apart. He opted his mouth allowing Harry to enter and explore. His and Harry's tongues danced together like they were made to be together. It was true him and Harry were made to be together.

"You two are so gross" Zayn said not peeling his eyes away from the road.

Niall punched him in the arm hard.

"Hey, I'm driving Niall" Zayn yelled slightly swerving on the road.

"I don't care. They are so cute together. They are not gross and if you say that again I will punch you harder. They are the most adorable star crossed lovers I have ever seen. They are meant to be together" Niall said.

"Meant to be I like the sound of that" Harry whispered into his ear.

"Meant to be" he agreed.

He leaned into Harry's embrace and it did feel like they were meant to be. They had to go through a lot to be together, but they were together.

They were together again because it is true what people say, love truly does concur all. And he, he loves Harry undeniably.

I hope you liked the story, thank you for reading.


Have a great day/night

-xx Sophie 🖤

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