Chapter twenty

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Louis' POV

"Wait Lou, what does this mean" Harry asked.

He didn't actually think about what kissing Harry would do, he just did it. The kiss was magical, better than their first kiss which he didn't even think was possible. The kiss was millions of times better than any he had with Eleanor. He didn't like Elenor like he liked Harry, he didn't like Eleanor at all. Harry made him feel things he had never felt before.

The feelings he felt when he was with Harry, we feelings he never wanted to stop feeling. The sparkle in Harry's gorgeous green eyes mesmerized. Everything about Harry mesmerized him.

He didn't want to live without this feeling anymore. No matter how hard he tried he would never be able to to love Elenor. He tried so hard to be what his father wanted him to be, but he didn't want that anymore. He wants to be himself, he wanted to love who he wants. He wants to be able to love Harry, that is if Harry would even want to be with him.

"Harry, I don't want to hide anymore" he said.

"You don't" Harry said brushing his hand on his cheek.

"I don't, I want something else" he said.

"What do you want now" Harry asked.

"I want you" he said.

"You do" Harry asked.

"I do" he said smiling shyly.

"Well guess what" Harry said.

"What" he asked.

"I want you too" Harry said before crashing his lips into his.

They kissed for a immeasurable amount of time. Neither of them were paying attention to anything other than them in that moment. They both were in utter bliss together. Their tongues danced together making him moan with pleasure. Girls have never and would never be able to make him feel like that.

They broke apart from the kiss gasping for air but still gazing into one another's eyes. They both had a sparkle in their eyes that conveyed all emotion that was needed in that moment.

"Will you be my boyfriend. I know we haven't known each other long, but I can't help feeling this way for you. You don't-" Harry rambled.

"Yes, a thousand times yes. I have had a crush on you for quite a whole, but I was going through some stuff. I don't want to be the perfect little Christian boy my father wants me to be, I want to be myself for once. And that means I want to be with you" he said.

"I'm so glad your my boyfriend, honestly I thought when I moved here I would never be able to be someone" Harry said.

"I never though I would have a boyfriend. I though I would marry a girl and live a awful miserable life" he said. 

"Well now you have me" Harry said wrapping his arms around his waist.

Harry leaned down and kissed him softly at first, then kissed him harder. He moved on top of Harry and kissed him passionately. He grinned his hips down into Harry making them both moan.

"Harry I'm home" Harry's mum yelled from downstairs.

"Shit" he said scrambling off of Harry.

He and Harry gabbed their books trying to act normal. They had already finished their project and packed away their supplies, so they really had to scramble to cover what just happened up. The door opened and Harry's mum was stood there.

"Hey boys. Why I'd you book upside down Louis" Harry's mum asked.

"Oh whoops" he said turning the book around to be the correct way.

"Hey mum, can Louis spend the night" Harry asked.

"Yeah of course Louis can. I'm going to go order dinner, your father is stuck at the office so he wont be home in time for dinner, so I'm just going to order in. Does pizza sound good" Harry's mum said.

"Sounds great mam" he said.

"Oh please call me Anne, mam makes me feel old" Harry's mum said before closing the door and going downstairs.

"That was close" Harry said.

"I know" he said laying back on the bed in Harry's arms.

"So will you stay" Harry asked.

"Yeah, I will. I'd do anything to stay with you" he said snuggling into the crook of Harry's neck.

They snuggled together until Harry's mum called them down for dinner. They didn't want to go down, they just wanted to stay in each others warm arms. Together they felt dare and happy.

They went downstairs and grabbed their food from the kitchen. Anne had ordered Chinese takeaway for them.

"Let's sit on the sofa and watch a movie" Harry suggested.

"Sure" he replied.

"What movie do you want to watch" Harry asked.

"I haven't seen many movies that aren't about Jesus. Fizzy did once sneak the movie Grease though. I think that that was my gay awakening now to think of it. All of the guys in that movie were really hot to be honest" he said.

"Then Grease it is. Your lucky I have the movie, I usually only watch romantic comedies" Harry said.

They sat snuggling on the sofa watching Grease while eating their Chinese take away. Harry laughed at him when he sung the songs and imitated Danny Zuko. This was one of those moments where time seemed to stand still. It was just him and Harry together in this moment, nobody else to bother them. It was just him and the love of his life.

Love, it's a crazy thing. They say gravity is the strongest force, but they are wrong. Love is the strongest force of them all. Love brings people together in the most unlikely ways. This was like him and Harry, they were a unlikely pair, but they are just meant to be. He felt the force of love bringing him and Harry together, which made him know how he felt about Harry. He was falling in love with Harry, or maybe he was already in love with him.

Towards the end of the movie he could feel his eyelids becoming heavier, and eventually they fell closed. He snuggled into Harry's side and fell into a sweet sleep. He dreamed of him and Harry happily together.

Maybe this was going to be good. Mabey he finally found someone to love him. He was finally being himself and not caring what his father said. His father liked to control every facet of his life, and he was tired of that. He wanted to be himself, he wanted to love who he wants. He was finally being himself and not some watered down prim perfect version of himself.


I hope you liked the chapter. Updates may be weird for the next few days, sorry. I'm getting surgery tomorrow so it might interfere with the update schedule. But don't worry, I'll be fine. I have written extra chapters so that there will be updates, so don't worry. I keep my promises there will be daily chapters.

Have a great day/night

-xx Sophie 🖤

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